Chapter 24

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Pansy's POV

I am at the clinic when I gained my consciousness. I felt scared. He knows it wasn't a dream. And Millie how could she do that?. The Docter enters with the said man. He was asking her something. And then he looked at me his eyes softened. The Docter smiled at me. A middle aged women. "You have a caring partner I don't understand why you didn't bring him here before, are you afraid that my nurses will fall for him?" she said jokingly and winked at him. My bad I had told her that my partner was busy so I visited with my friend. Now it backfired. And the man in question laughed. His charm still infectious. I had fallen in love with him twice and I still can't seem to hate him after all he did. I tried to sit and soon he was by my side helping me sit. I pushed his hands away while the Docter wasn't looking at me. But that brat went on give me a kiss on my forehead which didn't go unnoticed by the Docter and she blushed.

She did my ultrasound and provided me a copy of the babies. I looked at Draco during the ultrasound he looked with awe and pride. And I think I saw tears in his eyes. My childrens were doing well and they are healthy.That's what I was told. She asked me to continue my vitamins and scheduled an appointment next month the same date. She also asked me take less stress.

Draco helped me out of the Clinic and Millicent was waiting in the reception area. She went out to hire a Taxi and we followed. Draco held me while walking. As if I am something precious to him. But these are all lies right? He is playing with me again?  Does he wants his children?  That's what he wants, he isn't here for me but for my children? My chest pained. But I continued walking. Why fate has to be so cruel towards me. Merlin

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