Chapter 8

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She was there waiting for me at the usual spot. But her cheeks were bruished and tear stained. I rushed to her a took her in my arms. "What happened? " I asked her. But all she did was cry. I stroke her hair and kissed her forehead. "Pansy said you belong to her" she said at last. I broke the hug and looked at her. She was a 2nd year student and Pansy was bullying her. "Have you told your sister about Pansy" I asked her. She shook her head. "They are friends " she spoke and cried even more. Astoria was the kindest of all the slytherins. Always taking out the good in others. I sigh and took out my wand. I spelled the healing spell and her cheeks turned to normal colour. I hugged her again. But my mind was in chaos. I never hated anyone in my life more. I hated pansy with all my heart.

When I woke up I was disoriented. It was late and I had missed dinner. I checked my phone and it had messages from Daphne and Blaise. They were sleeping over at the heads quarter, they asked me to come and join but I didn't wanted to. My mind was still wandering back to the dream. I thought about that time Pansy had hurt her so much when she was alive. But she didn't let me do anything to her. When Daphne got to know she broke her friendship with Pansy. But that didn't stopped Pansy from being a bitch and tormenting Astoria. The guilt that I was feeling all these days disappeared. I hated her. I hated her with my every being.

I tossed and turned in my bed but couldn't sleep. I was hungry. I could get caught if I walked past the corridors now. But I didn't have any choice. I practically ran to the kitchen. Killy was there watching as the she was doing the dishes magically. "What can Killy do for young Master Draco Malfoy?" she asked as she bowed to me. "Killy I am so hungry can you fetch me dinner" I said. Killy nodded and conjured up a chair and table. I sat down and dishes began appearing infront of me. Bacon and Steaks. Cornish Pastries, shepherds pie, Yorkshire Pudding,  Pork and Beef sausages etc. With pumpkin Juice. I dug into my food without waiting. And suddenly a scene played in my  mind. It was of Pansy eating the Cornish Pastries. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. What the hell was wrong?. When I finished eating the elves were already done with the cleaning. I made my way back to the dorm and thought about Pansy. I was having mixed feelings. I knew I hated her but didn't know if I actually hated her. I groaned and fell back to my bed

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