Chapter 15

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I just wanted to forget everything as a bad dream. But my mind was somewhere else. I couldn't focus. I was lost. My friends kept giving me worried glances every now and then. But I couldn't care. My mind drifted frequently and thoughts of a certain girl plaqued my mind. She didn't say anything to me after 7 faithful day. I was irritated she was behaving as if nothing matters

I think about her again, she is always the first one to leave after class. Not that I plan on talking to her. But I kind of miss her. I don't know what is wrong with me. Just like now I am starting at her discreetly across the hall. But I don't think I am being that discreet. Millicent nudges her and says something in her ears. She nods and looks towards me. Our eyes meets. I want to look away but I can't as if I am being sucked in her blue orbs. She gives me a small smile and something in my stomach flips. I look at my food. I can't let myself feel this way. I have to stop this. This was just a joke. Just a little joke

I stand up from my seat and walk towards her. "Don't smile at me it's creepy" I say to her. I don't even know what I am saying. She looks confused. "Don't play dumb, when I asked you to break up I meant it, and you are now smiling at me don't make it so complicated" I shouted and all the eyes turned towards me.

Tears were forming in her eyes. I decided not to look at them. I stared ahead. "Then what should I do Draco what do you want me to do?" she asked. I remained quiet. I felt pain. I don't know but I feel like my heart has been ripped apart.

After some silence she wipes her tears and looks at me. "Do you want me to leave? " she asks

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