Chapter 7

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The days passed by. And everyone knew now that I was courting Pansy. Bullying her had lessened a little since then.  I spend most of the times with her but till now I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend. That was a huge step I don't know whether I am up for it or not. Ron and I were at the Library when we saw Pansy and Ginny enter. Harry was following closely. "Hey mate" Harry greated when he saw us. I was shocked to see him with the girl that almost turned him Voldemort. I just nodded at him

"Ginny what are you doing?" Ron asked his sister eyeing her. I could to tell he didn't liked the way she was chatting with Pansy. I rolled my eyes. "Oh I was asking Pansy to join Harry and me for a double date to Hogsmeade." she said excitedly looking at me. I looked at Pansy our eyes met and she blushed. I sighed there was no way out. " Pansy would you like to accompany me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" I asked her giving a cheeky grin. She nodded and looked down. Her cheeks flushed pink. "I am going out, too much sweetness" Ron gagged and ran away from the library leaving me to collect his things. "Aww it was sweet" Ginny said and hugged Pansy. I eyed them when did they became this close. "Then see you later mate " harry said and dragged an excited ginny with him.

Pansy stayed but her eyes were cast down. "So do you want anything else" I asked I didn't know why was she here in the first place. She shook her head and took out a book from her cloak. It was also a book on Muggle studies. She returned it to the section and turned to leave.
"Wait Pansy, let me accompany you to your dorm" I said and stuffed my things in and rushed to her. We walked side by side and then I took her hand in mine. And followed her as she head her way to her dorm. We entered the dungeons and she quickly kissed my cheek and ran towards her the girls rooms. I touch the area she kissed me. My body felt hot. I rushed to my room and sat down. What the hell was I feeling?. I groaned and layed in my bed. And the sleep consumed me.

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