Chapter 29

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Pansy's POV

As soon  as he left my knees gave out. I flopped into my cushiony soft sofa. Wait it that even a term to describe. Judy came to me and said that she was done with her works. Then she retired to her room. I had only asked to stay with me with the time nearing I can't take risks I need someone 24/7. And Judy is the right person for that.

What just happened ? The thought of being Draco in my kids life made me smile. I can't take their right to have their father.I rubbed my belly. "You see babies, your dad came today, I don't know if I can trust him with me but I think he already loves you both to death " I spoke to my large stomach. Its a habit that I picked up after my first sonogram. I smile. Thinking about Draco made me warm. He looked sincere. But this time I will not allow him to ruin me further. I am done being stupid. I groan I need to pee. My bladder is full.  I rush towards the bathroom waddling. Perks of being so big.

I don't get sleep I keep tossing and turning. I still can't understand how he got to know and why Millie brought him here. As much as I know Millie despised him for what he did to me. I texted a message to her to call me when she is free. And told her to tell Hermione too. They owe me an explanation. As for Draco I don't want to deal with his thoughts now. And if he comes back I will plan to get back at him. Yes I will get back at him.

The thought of me getting back at him gave me a strong feeling of satisfaction. Mr Draco Malfoy I am waiting for your return come soon. 'I Pansy Parkinson is more evil than you think'

//Hehehe,  I just quoted a favourite dialogue, please forgive me for that. As for the chapters, the story is advancing towards the end. Lots of chapter's are left.  Please comment and let me know your views//

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