Chapter 39

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Draco's POV

It was pin drop silence in hall. Looking at me as if I had got two heads. Some were giving me sympathetic looks. While a few glared at me. They couldn't believe that the war heroes. Their idols could do something like that. That's when Ron and Harry intervened. They said what I told was true. I felt sick at stomach. I didn't wanted this for Pansy. But these gits. They will have to receive punishments. Neville's look was down cast. And Seamus and Dean were no better. Guilt was all over their faces. But it is late now by looking at them my blood boiled. I want to kill them but nothing good will come from it.

But there is one thing I can do. This was the hall where I had once humiliated her. And today I plan to honour her. I can make then ask forgiveness from Pansy.
Harry had already called the aurors They didn't only used spells but also used Muggle drugs. The Ministry will decide what to do to them.

I waited for her to come. It was not a easy decision to say that infront of everyone. But I don't want anyone else to treat her this bad.

When she entered with Bulstrode. Gasps were heard. She was only there in flesh and blood but also she had a bump on her stomach. Hearing about her being alive and seeing her alive turned to be different in the hall. Ron had already explained about her fake death but now after seeing her there were whispers and murmurs.
I walked towards her and kneeled in front of her. "Pansy, I know it's hard to forgive me. And what I did is better than them. But all I want is a chance to make it up to you. I want to live with you and our babies. I can't imagine my life without you. I lost you once. I can't bear it again." I said and looked at her. Her eyes glistened with tears. I took her hand in mine and kissed it. Catcalls were coming from my friends but I paid no mind. I reached inside my pocket and pulled out the box where the Malfoy family ring rested. "Pansy Parkinson Mother of my children please marry me, I beg you " I said and opened the box.

She knelt next to me a started crying. And threw herself at me saying Yes. I chuckle and hug her back. I helped her get up. The hall erupted with shouts and claps. But I just kissed her. Nothing else mattered.

Our friends came to congratulate us. And I saw them approaching with the aurors.Pansy stiffened. "We are sorry Pansy, we regret everything" Neville said went with the aurors.

I held her close to me and whispered " I will always protect you " and after months she finally gave me a smile. My heart fluttered. At that moment my life felt complete. I was complete.

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