Chapter 35

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Pansy's POV

I don't know if I did the right thing. I don't even know if I want to know about them.
Sometimes I want to forget about that incident as a hellish nightmare. But what else can I do this is my only reality. Draco was my only escape from those. When I think about him I feel myself forgetting about those monsters. I forget about what they did to me?
And now I have asked Draco to look for them. Even if he finds them I am not sure if I am ready to face my fears

But when I am alone I feel those hands groping me and when I look back they are gone. It's the horrid truth I can't leave behind.

It was a normal day. I was bullied by some Ravenclaws after charms. And as usual I had stayed behind in my dorm during dinner. I was walking towards the kitchen to meet my elf friends. They were my only friends after Millie.
And I felt the hex. It was the stunning hex. Then I felt a prick in my neck. As if I was injected something. I felt my body go numb. I couldn't even make out my voice. I felt hands all over my body. Roaming. I felt them removing my clothes. Tears streamed down my face. I could hear their vulgar laughs. As they assaulted me over and over. I couldn't even shout out for help. I felt disgusted. I layed still crying silently. I couldn't make out their faces. I couldn't recognize their voices. But I could feel what was happening. I was being raped on the school grounds. And no-one was there to stop this. Where was Mr Flitch, Where were the proffesors and the perfects? I was about to give up and then my voice cracked a little. I tried with all my might and a shout broke out from my mouth. Echoing through the corridor. Maybe there was hope. Maybe I can get saved from these disgusting monsters.
Suddenly I heard the boys shouting and running away from me. And I saw the emerging figures of Fiky and Tuty. They looked at me alarmed. But I was ashamed to let them see me at such embarrassing state. 'Tta..kkee mmeee tooo my doormm" I wishpered with a breaking voice. They looked conflicted but they took me to a room other then my dorm. And I fainted.  When I woke up I felt weak and body ache. Fiky and Tuty were there taking care of me for which I was thankful.
I made them promise me that they won't mention this to anyone else. After that they helped me recover and that chapter was closed. I don't know if I did the right thing not telling the proffesors. But I didn't wanted people to look down on me. But I was forced to tell this to the headmistress after I got pregnant.

I just want to live in peace with my babies and Draco. But if Draco finds them maybe I will be able to forget and move on. At this time I can't think of anything else. Only time will tell.

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