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Pansy's POV

His eyes were moist. But his stare was magnetic. I was captivated. I couldn't look away. He stood tall and proud in his beige tux. Ron stood beside him. Funny that his enemy stood as his best man. Ron had practically fought with harry and blaise for this position. Now he stood there eyes twinkling, happy and nudging Draco earning a glare in return. I walked down the aisle with Miss Judy. She will give me away. Millie was my maid of honor and the other girls Hermione, Ginny,  Luna and Daphne were my bridesmaids. Their dates aka the groomsmen Harry, Blaise and Theo stood behind Ron and Draco.
Lucious and Narcissa Malfoy were seated at the front row. And the proffesors were seated with the weasley family. Apart from them the Grangers, Lovegoods, the Greengrasses, the Zabini's, the bulstrodes and the Notts were invited. It was a private ceremony held in the Malfoy Manor.

Daphne and I were able to over come our strained friendship and now here we are.

The day is still vivid when I received the greatest shock of my life. And it has changed me in a good way.


I was angry. How dare he ignore me??  I will kick his ass the next time I see him. I felt my wards go down and saw Millie. She had a solemn look on her face. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. ,"Pansy you need to come with me " she insisted. I nodded. Something must be wrong with Draco. She held my hand guided me towards the floo network and we flooed to Hogwarts right away. We walked towards the main hall and I saw him there. He stood there. His expression conflicted and he started my story. Tears started pooling in my eyes. He was actually standing up for me. I felt embarrassed he wasn't ignoring me he was fighting for me. He was helping me in a way I could never forget. He even handed over "them" to the aurors. He made "them" apologize to me and then he proposed me.  The only thing I could do was hug and return his feelings.

End of Flashback

A cough brought me back from my thoughts. And I came to face him. I felt like it was a dream that had come true. My long-time crush was going to be my husband in a few minutes. I smiled dreamily at him earning a chuckle out of him. Mrs Judy gave my hand in his and he smiled. I took a sharp breath. How can he be so charming? my heart!! He leaned and whispered in my ear "Look all you like, I am all yours ". My face burnt in embarrassment. And Alberfort coughed. He stepped forward to begin the ceremony. And two squeals were heard coming from the audience. Cyrus and Kyra Malfoy were seated in their grandparents lap. Helding up their hands and making delightful noises.
They were 6 months old now. I wanted to wait till they were a year. But my impatient soon to be husband was in a rush. He wanted the ceremony as soon as possible.

"Not now kids, today your mama's mine" Draco shouted loudly with an amused smile earning laughs out of everyone. And my poor children joined in without understanding what was said. I glared at him but he just shrugged.
"Shall we " Alberfort asked. And we both nodded. Draco was the first to begin with his vows. " I had know you since we were toddlers. I had once asked what your name meant to my mother. I was 5 or 6 years old at that time. She said that you were named after a flower. I was confused I said that you are no flower but she had only smiled and said. She will bloom into one. At that time I didn't understand what it meant but today I can't say that she was correct. You have been a loyal friend to me. My Hogwarts years were so much fun because of you. I knew about your crush on me. I was happy to be desired by you but I wasn't good to you. I stood you up at Yule ball when I was the one to ask you to be my date. I flirted away the whole night without sparing you a glance. You still liked me. I broke you heart by getting into relationships. You continued loving me. After the war I treated you as shit. But you still forgave me. And then I broke you while you carried my kids. And then you decided to stop loving me. That's when I realised that I am in love with you. I love you as if you were my oxygen. And this time it was my turn to chase after you. If I could go back without disrupting the universe I would have done everything to fix my past. But I am too scared what if it doesn't turns out as I expect it to be. I know I am being selfish but I can't help it. I let you go once but now I can't even imagine it. If I am allowed I will lock you away but I am not someone to take away your freedom. I love you Pansy. I love you so damn much that it hurts. I want to get married because I am insecure. I can't be apart again.  My little bud all these years you have blossomed into a beautiful flower. I am so honoured to be your husband. I will honour the vows and cherish you till the end of time. I will be with you in every phase of life. Till death do us apart. I love you "
When he finished we both were crying at this moment I didnt care about my make up. And sniffles were heard. Girls were crying and gushing. I couldn't control myself and hugged him. When we broke apart he smiled a little. And I began
"Draco Malfoy. You have been in my life forever. My only constant. After my parents died you were the one. keeping me going. I love you so much. And I know you love me too. You have given me the best gift. Our kids. You are insecure for nothing. I am not going away not this time, when there is my love waiting for me. I forgave you long time ago. You don't need to think about the past. So don't worry. Let's be happy and grow old together. Watch our children and probably grandchildren get married. You will have in your up and downs till the end of the world. I love you till death do us apart. " I said still crying. He squeezed my hand.

"So the power vested upon me by the great wizards I pronounce you bonded" "You may kiss the bride"
Alberfort said. And I was pulled into a kiss. A glow surrounded us coming from Alberforts wand. Bonding us forever.
I smile at him after breaking apart. He looks at me and carries me bridal style. I gasp. What was happening? "Sorry guys please enjoy the party we will join later " he says and walks down the aisle. The crowd bursts into laughter. Giving cat calls. But Draco doesnt pay attention to any of it. He carries me all the way to our wing. "Shall we Mrs Malfoy?" he asks grinning. "Sure Mr Malfoy" I say and laugh.

The End

// Well the story has come to an end. I wish you liked it. Thank you so much for your support. I am happy that my first story is completed. Thank you so much. I love you all//

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