Chapter 34

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Draco's POV

I was embaressed. I was hard by just looking at her. Merlin have I become such a pervert. As if I am in heat. I hurried back Hogwarts after I came out of the bathroom. I didn't bid my goodbyes properly.

My stomach is growling with hunger. I haven't had dinner after coming back. I walk to the kitchen and as one of the elves to serve me something. I sit at the stool waiting for the food. And I see two house elves whispering among themselves. One was pushing the other towards me. Maybe they are scared of me. I took pity on them and asked. "What happened do you want something?" I asked. They were startled but one of them came forward and replied "Tuty is sorry, but Tuty and Fiky wants to know if Missy Pansy is alright, Tuty heard about her death and got sad. But Fiky got to know from Missy Ganger that Missy Pansy is alive." she said. I was touched. These creatures when some thought they were flith proved to have feelings more than them. " She is alright, but how do you know that you have to ask me? " I asked amused these elves have been eavesdropping. "Fiky heard Master Malfoy talking to the Headmistress" the other one replied embaressed. I laughed and nodded. "But Fiky is glad Missy Pansy is alright. Missy Pansy talked nicely with Fiky and Tuty, Fiky was so scarred when Missy was hurt that time. But Fiky chased the boys away with magic" She said. I don't know why but something flipped in my stomach. A bad feeling came. "What do you mean by boys " I asked. Their eyes widen. "Fiky can't say, Fiky is sorry, Fiky promised Missy Pansy " she said hurriedly. Its bad. I knelt infront of them so that they are in my level. I looked at the elf named Fiky. " Your Missy is hurt. And you know about it. I want to help her. Don't you want your Missy to be happy. So tell me what you know" I said trying to make them understand.

"Tuty didn't promised, Tuty can tell " the other elf said nodding her head. "Missy Pansy was having trouble eating at the hall. Bad people bullied Missy. Missy came after curfew to eat food. Missy made friends with Tuty and Fiky. One day Missy was late. Fiky and Tuty were waiting for Missy. Fiky heard a scream. Fiky didn't think it was Missy. Fiky went to check for Missy after sometime. Fiky saw bad boys doing bad things to Missy. Missy was unconscious. Fiky chased away the bad boys with magic. Tuty and Fiky took care of Missy. Missy cried and made Fiky promise to not tell anyone."

I thanked them and returned to my dorm. I couldn't eat after that. I don't know why I am having a bad feeling. Was it only bullying or. I can't even think about that. But as she said earlier I couldnt help but think 'Was she raped'. My heart ached. I closed my eyes but sleep was far from it. I need to talk to Bulstrode again. She might know.

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