Chapter 5

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The next day arrives fast much to my displeasure. I walk into the hall and search for Pansy but she wasn't there. I notice Millicent and I walk up to her.  "Hey Millicent, Where is Pansy?" I asked her. She looked nervous. "Well she is in the Hospital. Yesterday someone hexed.. " I didn't wait for her to finish I took hurried steps toward the infirmary. When I reached I saw Madame Pomfey talking with her. She was lying in the bed "Pansy who did this? " Madame asked.  "I didn't see anyone I am sorry", pansy replied.

I sighed I can't keep quiet much longer. "Who did this Pansy? " I asked her. She gaped seeing me there. I walked to her bed and sat beside her. Madame Pompey excused herself to treat another patient. And I took her hand in me. She blushed. "Pansy you should care for yourself" I tell her. She blushes and looks away.

"Why are you being nice to me Draco?" she asks. "I can't be nice to you" I ask her back. She nods her head. And she looks pretty cute while doing that. "I agree Pansy people do mistakes. As you know I was never a saint. We were just victims of our situation. If I could get a second chance, you could too" I say and squeeze her hand. And she nods. "So will you tell me who did this? "  I asked. "I fell down the stairs Draco someone pushed me but I didn't see who" she pleaded. I sigh. I can't do anything else if she was it like this then so be it. I asked her to rest and returned for my classes.

We had Care of Magical Creatures with the Gryffindors. And I am teamed up with Harry. We were searching for the Pixies. And Harry was give me looks. "Just Spit it out Potter, you look constipated" I say to him and laugh. He also smiles and throws a twig at me. "Whats the deal with Pansy Draco" he asks me after some time. "I don't know " I replied. "Ron said you like her, but I think it's too soon are you thinking of using her to forget Astoria" he asks. I shake my head " Your thinking too much harry, can't I like her " I ask him. He looks embarrassed. He just pats me and walks.  "I don't know what's the deal but I am there for you" he says and signs me to come with him.

Later the day Ron and I are at the library. He was copying notes from me. And I was reading a book on muggles. After taking with harry, Hermione confronted me too. And she was also convinced that I like Pansy. I cringed at the thought. "So what level are you with Parkinson" Ron mumbled while writing. "Seriously Weasley It's my even two day " I scoffed. And he just laughed. Madam Pince gave us a look and we shrunk back into our works

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