Chapter 30

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Draco's POV

I look at my letter again. I don't know what else to write. But my parents they deserve to know. I had explained everything in the letter. About the prank,  about her leaving, pregnant with my children. I just pray that they don't kill me the next time I go home.
I had dared to play with their favourite girl. I sigh and give the letter to Pig my owl. And soon he flies away. I expect a reply next morning.

As I think now, Pansy has always been their favourite. My mother loves her and even my father adored her. She was a brat. But she was lively funny and curious with wild eyes. Maybe that was the reason my parents wanted me to be with her. They felt alive being with her. She was a bully just like me. I was no better. Why did it took so long for me to understand her.

I sighed, I miss her terribly. It hasn't been one day since I came back but I miss her. But now I have bigger matters at hand.Now I have to inform my friends. She and my kids are my responsibility now. And with my newts approaching I can't waste anymore time.

I walk towards the courtyard. Yesterday I had messaged everyone to meet me at the courtyard. I had asked Bulstrode to come too.

When I reach I find them already there. I have to do this.  This is for Pansy.

"Hey guys, I want to say something but please don't interrupt me in the middle. It's about Pansy " I say. They all look at me with different expression. But they nod. And I start
"She is alive. She left because of me. I did her wrong I know and I am guilty. And it hurts me that I hurt the girl I love. Yes,  I admit I actually love her. Maybe I had always loved her. But it took me to realize after I had lost her in a worst possible way. But what makes me happy you know. That she wasn't alone all this time. Thank you Hermione and Millicent." I say and look at them. Millicent gives me a small smile and Hermione she just nods. I see the others confused but I continue anyway. " She is in muggle London. And I went to see her yesterday. I was ready to beg to come with me but I couldn't. She is pregnant with my children. Can you believe that?  The Malfoys are going to have heirs not heir. I told my parents today. I am so funking happy. I don't know what you all will say. But trust me. I am only saying you. I am going to win her back and my kids. I have lost to much time wasting. Now I can't. I will bring back my wife to be. " I say and leave them with their thoughts.

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