Chapter 1

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Astoria where are you? Astoria? I shouted as I searched for her. Daphne was running beside me. She was also searching for her sister. "Astoria" Daphne shouted this time. Panic was clear in her voice. I had told her to hide with the fellow Slytherins in the dungeons. But stubborn as ever she also came out to fight in the war. Now after the war was over we started searching for her.We didn't find her among the casualties. A bad feeling was coming to my mind. We began searching her among the fallens of the war. And then I heard Daphne's sharp intake of breath. I followed her line of gaze and saw her. My only love. Astoria. Her lifeless body . And pale blue eyes stared back at me. Soulless .

'Draco' I felt myself shaking. 'You are having a nightmare again' Blaise said as my eyes opened. 'What' I said but my voice sounded hoarse. 'Get up man aren't you hungry' he said in a chirpy voice. I hate that about him he is a morning person but I am not. I continued to sulk in my bed. 'Now now Draco stop pouting and get up'.  He forced. 'I don't pout' I exclaimed. He gave me a look that meant "are-you-kidding-me-you-pout-all-the-time" look. I paid him no attention and got up quickly. At the common room I met Daphne. She smiled at me weakly. I smiled back. The pain was still evident in her eyes but she was healing slowly. We both are. It has been 6 months since the battle. 6 months since Harry Potter killed Voldemort.6 months since my only love died. So many people have lost their loved ones. But time doesn't waits for anyone. Kingsley Shacklebolt was the Minister of Magic now. And with the new ministry new rules were put up. One of them was our for our school. Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry reopened And the seventh year students were asked to complete their studies and graduate.We returned for our eight year. People were moving on slowly. This was the place where we lost our friends and family but the ministry gave us no other choice. Crabbe ,Goyle they didn't survive the war. But slowly and steadily things was falling back into place. Only one thing was still shattered. My heart. I dream everyday and blame myself. If somehow I could have saved her. I would do that in a heartbeat.

My parents are on house arrest now.And I faced the trial before coming here. Daphne Blaise and me we were the last to change sides in the war. After harry returned my wand we helped him as much as we could. The good thing was Harry Potter testified for me and my friends and we were released free of charge. After the war we had some kind of truce and we don't the animosity we once held for each other. We opened up to each other and now the most unbelievable thing is Ron and I could pass as best buddies. Actually we both had lost someone dear to us. For me it was Astoria and for his it was Fred. We understood each other and that's how the friendship started. This was my life now.

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