Chapter 37

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Draco's POV

Draco are you sure you want to do this? " Hermione asked for the 6th time. And seriously it was giving me headache. I nodded and took the time turner from her hand. Ron decided to tag along with me. Harry and Blaise too wanted but too much people would cause problem. And they agreed because Ron was involved in my and Pansy's mess. I don't know if it was the right thing to do. Using time turners can be dangerous. We might not return to the future we expect to. "Remember Draco don't do anything reckless" Blaise said and patted my shoulders. "I am going to make sure of it" Ron murmured. They all nodded with weary eyes. Still not trusting the plan to work. But it was the only way. I managed to calculate the date and time. All we have to do was go to that place and wait till everything gets over and identify those disgusting pigs. Harry is tensed that I might end up killing them there and then. "Draco we know it will be painful but don't loose control" Harry said. I nodded again and looked at Ron. He looked nervous but gave me an encouraging smile. I turned the time turner and soon we were transported to the time when that awful thing happened to my Pansy. We quickly hid behind a statue and waited. And after sometime I heard footsteps. We peeped and saw Pansy making her way towards the kitchen. She looked tired and not long after we heard someone cast a spell. Pansy was stupefied and she fell into the floor. I wanted to rush towards her but Ron held me tight. We heard multiple footsteps coming towards her. And the faces came into view. I heard Ron's sharp intake of breath. They were his friends. Dean Thomas stood beside her and pocketed his wand with a grin. Seamus stood beside him with a conflicted look. And last it was Neville Longbottom. How could they do this to her. Neville injected something in her neck and removed the spell. Her body went limp. Dean smirked and carried her body to an empty classroom nearby. And soon Seamus and Neville followed. Blood rushed to my head. I wanted to kill them. I tried to free my hands and run after them. I could save her but Ron held me back. He snatched the time turner from my hand and reversed it. I kept shaking I was close to saving her but I couldn't. Soon I find myself with Ron in the Room of Requirement with Blaise, Harry and Hermione waiting.

Harry tried to hug me but I pushed him away. "Don't come near me, I might hurt you " I told him deadpanned. "Draco we agreed I wouldn't let you do anything you know how dangerous that is? " Ron said but I glared at him. "She was fucking drugged and dragged away Ron, you want me to digest that? " I shouted and ran out of the room. He can fill them up with the information but at this moment I needed to be alone. I have to think of the perfect revenge for them.

//Sorry I didn't wanted to make them the villains. But someone had to fill up the roles right? And they have to be someone a little close to Harry. So sorry for Dean Seamus and Neville's fans //

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