Chapter 14

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He was avoiding her. But she was everywhere he went. It was enough. He had to do this. He had to break up with her. If not humiliate her he could atleast breakup in a decent way.

This morning he had sent a letter to her asking her to meet her near the Room of Requirement. He wanted this to be discreet and short. So he chose the Room of Requirement. He was already waiting for outside. The inside of the room has been changed to a class room. He didn't think much about it. He wanted to be done with it. So a class room turned out as his choice. He saw Pansy approaching him with a smile. The smile was contagious he had to look away.

"Draco were you avoiding me" she asked directly. He shook his head "no". Then she took a step and hugged him. His breath hitched. What was happening. He pushed her away and asked her to come inside the room. They took a seat next to each other. And Draco was finding it hard to say the right words. "You can tell me anything you know that right" Pansy said and took his hand in hers.

This was it. He has to say it to her. "I.. Pansy I think we should breakup" He spoke and waited for her outburst. But nothing happened. She just sighed as if she half expected it. Then she turned to leave. "Pansy I am so sorry " He said again this time scared to take out a reaction out of her but she looked at him and smiled.

Her smile was beautiful but it felt as if the shine in her eyes had died. "Don't be" she said and walked out of the Room of requirement leaving a confused Draco.

Confused is an Understatement. He was Shocked because Pansy was too calm. He was sad because she wasn't heartbroken. And mostly he was scared of the feelings he was feeling at this moment. He just didn't wanted to let her go. He wanted her to cry. To shout. To beg for him. Lastly he wanted to hear that she loved him. But he didn't. He just felt numb inside.

Waiting there almost for half more hour after she left. He finally walked out and returned to his dorm. With a confused and heavy heart.

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