Chapter 13

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I rolled in my bed. And a soft body was pressed at my back. I sighed. I got carried away with her yesterday and ended up having sex with her. I can't say it was bad, It was one of my most satisfying night. But sleeping with her made me realise who she actually was. I knew she wasn't a virgin. And she had the audacity to look aloof and act inexperienced. It angered me. I never held prejudices against virgin or not.  But her behavior was fake.

I nudged her. She opened her eyes and then looked at me shyly. She smiled and greeted me good morning. I smiled back not to be rude.  But I wanted her gone from my bed. It was just lust. I was correct. The funny feelings that I felt yesterday were just lust. "I think you should go back, we have classes " I told her. She nodded not suspecting anything and began to get dressed. And left the room not before kissing my cheeks. I groaned and fell back into the bed. My heart was fuzzy. Too overwhelmed. I can't be with her any longer. I was going crazy

I was reading a book on Animagus in the library. And I heard the chair beside me creak. Then someone slumped next to me and huffed. "Hey Ron" I greeted without looking at him.
"Don't you dare Ron me,  malfoy" he said and huffed again. He was in a bad mood. But right now my mood was far more worse.

"I think I should stop these act for once and for all" I said after a long pause. He looked at me and figetted. "I think to humiliate her will be far cruel" he said. I looked at him in disbelief. He just shrugged. "She isn't bad as I thought and the anger died down I don't know Draco I am confused and I thought that you actually like her" he said to me. I tried made a face. Was my confusion so obvious. I sighed. "No I don't like her, maybe I should just avoid her then " I said. He looked at me for some time and then took out his homeworks. Then he stared at me. "What" I asked. " I am angry that you didn't helped me with my homework spending time with your ''fake" girlfriend" he said unnecessarily dragging the word fake. "But I will forgive you if you help me now. " he added with a triumph smile.  I just laughed and nodded.

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