Chapter 22

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Draco's POV

I followed them discreetly. I can't let them know that I know about their meeting. Pansy was alive I was sure of it. These weeks I have been listening to their tit bits of conversations. It hurt that Pansy decided to fake her death to escape me. I was angry at her but I can't blame her. It was my fault. I did that to her, I was a monster, I made her flee from here. But I can't help but think that there is more to the story.

Three months have passed since she left. My Newts are just a month away but I don't care. I just wanted to find her and win her back. If it meant to spy on these two girls like a creep I am glad to do it.

I muttered the hearing charm. And I was able to hear them clearly. Today they decided to meet at the Astronomy tower. I had hid myself near a statue. ' I think Draco is suspicious of you I saw him following you' I heard Hermione say to Millicent. I sighed this can't be happening I can't be busted before I find her. ' Shit we can't take risk, So this time will you go to visit her, She has a check this coming Friday' Millicent replied. Was she sick. Did she have a terminal illness or something. No this can't be happening. I have to do this. I can't carry on the game of cat and mouse with them. I have to confront them. I walked out of my hiding place and coughed to make my presence known.  Two pairs of eyes looked at me alarmed. Confused of doing anything.

"Don't try to run, I am done I know she is alive. Just tell me her address and I will be done with both of you " I say to them with a calm and composed voice. "What makes you think that we will tell you? " Hermione snaps back. I look at her my face devoid of expression which makes her flinch. "I am not doing this with you Hermione, you hid her from me, friends don't do that" I tell her. And she gives out a humourless laugh. "Why should I tell you Malfoy?" she asks. "I am her boyfriend" I say. "Ex-boyfriend Malfoy, don't act like you give a shit about her" it was Millicent who spoke this time.

"Please," I whisper. My voice breaks. I kneel infront of them. If begging can take me to her, I will do that too. "Please, tell me" I beg them. Folding my hands. I didn't care if someone saw me. "Draco,  what ar" Hermione starts to say something but I cut her off. "Please, I love her, I love her so much, and If I get this chance I will do right by her " I say and proceed to touch her feet. Hermione staggers back. Millicent stands still.
"Please " I say again and sob with my face in my hands still kneeling. I feel a hand at my shoulder and look up to see Millicent. She shakes her head yes and it makes me cry more. I will see her again. I will.

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