Chapter 10

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The girls were walking ahead of us. Pansy was dress in a light Pink mid-dress and Ginny wore a bright red dress. Both their hairstyles matched. Seemed like Ginny and she dressed up together. Harry was wearing a casual shirt and his muggle jeans. Where as I wore a simple grey shirt and black slacks with my boots. But looking at harry I feel overdressed.

Harry nudged me. It was the time to ask her to be my girlfriend. I tapped her shoulder and asked her to come with me. I was taking her to the Honeydukes. I can't think of anything else. Harry had told me to buy her something.

When we reached we are greated by Amara Flume wife of Ambrosius Flume. They were the owner of this sweet shop. After her husband's death she is running the shop herself. We greated her back. I bought some acid pops, cauldron cakes, and chocolate frogs. And I saw pansy buy chocolate wands and exploding Bonbons. I tried to buy them for her but she denied.

Now we are sitting at The Three Broomsticks sipping Butterbeer. I was bored. What was wrong with her. She was so annoying back then what happened why she became so silent. Irritation was clear is my face. "Shall we go back?" she asked. I shook my head. Was she not happy. It was crushing my ego. We were walking towards the hill to walk into the castle. She was silent again. It was getting on my nerves. I had to do something. I can't let this opportunity pass. I have to ask her to be my girl friend. So I held her arm and pulled her towards me and placed my lips on hers. She was shocked at first and then she started kissing me back. When we stopped we both were out of air. A blush formed and her face glowed pink. I chuckled. "So will you be my girlfriend" I asked her. She smiled and nodded. She held my arm as we both started walking again. She was smiling and looking at me time to time. When we reached our common room she kissed my cheeks and rushed to her room. I chuckled. I took out my phone and texted Ron
Phase II completed

I saw blaise lazying in his bed. I sat on my bed without bothering to change
"How was your date? " he asked I just smiled gave him a thumbs up. I was happy. I actually asked her out. I laughed and hugged my pillow and fell asleep.

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