Chapter 12

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The days were passing in a blur. And I was actually enjoying the time with her. It was scaring me. Was the plan backfiring. Am I going soft on her? Can I fall in love again ? What about Astoria? A lot of questions were running inside my head. And I couldn't share them with my friends. They are likely to get dissapointed in me. And Ron I don't think he can help much.

After the Charms I ran towards the lake to get some fresh air. But my steps halted seeing her there. She was there will Millicent Bulstrode gazing at the lake. They both were laughing about something. The light breeze was making her hair go everywhere. She wasn't paying any attention. She was just listening to Millicent and giggling. My heart skipped a little seeing her smile.  And at that moment she looked beautiful. I touched my heart it was beating fast and I felt like hearing my heartbeat. "This is bad, Maybe I am attracted to her" I reasoned. But then her smile flashed before my eyes. I shook my head. What was I feeling? I can't do this?  How could I replace my feelings for Astoria? Guilt surrounded me. "It has to be lust" I told myself. I can't be in love it's just attraction nothing else. She means nothing to me. I took one last look and walked back towards the castle.

I was restless during dinner. I couldn't focus on my dinner. She was sitting beside me and that made things more complicated. I was lost in thought when I felt a touch on my shoulder. I looked at her hand and then at her. She was looking at me. "Are you okay Draco,  you don't look so well?" she asked. I just shook my head as yes. She nodded and went back to eating. Sneaking glances at me. She wasn't buying my lie.

I took her hand in mine and ducked my head a little to her side to whisper in get ear. "I am tired, heading to my dorm, Accompany me?" I asked hopefully. Suddenly scared of being turned down. But she smiled and nodded. I got up from my seat and pulled her with me. My housemates were giving me funny look. Maybe I was excited I don't know.I unconsciously tucked her hairs behind her ear and a flush appeared on her cheeks. It was cute. I laughed as we both made our way towards the dorm.

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