Chapter 4

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When I wake up the next day. I don't feel okay with the agreement I did with Ron yesterday. Something in my mind is nagging me to stop the plan to revenge on Pansy. But its late to back out now. I dress myself for the day after shower and walk towards the great hall.  It was already full with people. I looked at the Slytherin table and saw Blaise and Daphne already there chatting. They don't notice me and I take my time to look at the other occupants of the table. Everyone was minding their own business and to the farthest corner in the left side of the table I noticed Pansy sitting with a book wide open in her lap. Millicent Bulstrode was sitting near her and was happily eating whatever was on her plate. I took three long strides and reached her. I stood beside her but she was still engrossed in her book. By this time people were looking at me and whispering. I didn't paid any attention and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at me with wide eyes. Shock was evident on her face. "Mind if I have a seat?" I asked. She bisect and slided in her seat to make room for me. I sat down as if it was the most normal thing to do. Ignoring glares and whispers.

"Why are you eating so less? " I asked her. But before she could reply I piled up toast and fruits on her plate. The students near us were looking at me as if I have grown two heads. I was embarrassed what the hell was I doing. It seemed like I was courting her. Who would want to court the rumored slut. I tried to keep myself calm. "Draco I... " she started to say something but I put my spoon pudding in her mouth. Gasps could be heard nearby. But I kept looking at her and she blushed. I tried not to cringe.  I forced a smile to my face and spoke in a low voice. "you should eat and take care of yourself Pansy, I have heared the rumors and I am worried"   I myself would have gagged at this cheesy line. But I did it. I should congratulate myself.

When I reached for my Arithmancy Class. Blaise and Daphne were waiting for me.  I have avoided them after the very public courting of Pansy Parkinson at the Great hall. But now I am bound to talk to them. And the worst part is I can't explain them my plan. Blaise will be against this revenge thing and as much as Daphne hates Pansy but this will be too much. So I have to deceive them . Ron and I have decided to keep it a secret till we succeed. 

"Draco what's going on? " Daphne asked as soon as she spotted me. I took the seat beside them and and sighed. I was nervous inside. Will I be a able to convince them. "I think I like her" I speak out loud. The other students turn to look at me but Blaise's glare forces them to look away. "How Draco? " Daphne asks. Her expression was of pain. I looked away from her. "I don't know How it happened Daph, Blaise, don't you want me to be happy? " I asked them. I can't believe. I actually guilt tripped them.

Proffesor Flitwick entered the room and apologized for being late and started the class. Daphne gave my hand a squeeze and gave me a weak smile. And Blaise just nodded at me. They both started taking notes.  And I took my time to send an SMS to Ron
"Phase I(Part too completed)  they believed me"
I got a thumbs up from him saying that he is explaining the same to Hermione and Harry

I smile nd turned to attend the class.

// I had started editing the story. I am trying to make it worth reading.  So a few chapters are jumbled up. Please forgive the inconvenience.//

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