Chapter 11

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Days were passing by. And now everyone knew Pansy was girlfriend. Many showed their dissapointment by bullying her again. But she didn't told me any of these things. Not that I don't know about that. I heard people planning to get back at her. But I did nothing. People were jealous to see her around our group. Hermione and Blaise easily excepted her. But Daphne and Ron were uneasy near her. And Ginny became her almost bestfriend.

"Why you always make that face when she is around" I asked Ron. We were at the perfects bathroom. Perks of being house perfects. "I can't help it mate, I get uncomfortable around her" he said. I sighed. I noticed Daphne's expression she didn't say anything but she didn't liked the idea of Pansy being near us. "I should end this as soon as possible" I said to him. And he nodded.

But I didn't know if she loved me. We don't spend much time together. And Always I make sure to tag someone along with me to the lake or the courtyard. Which are our two permanent spots. Maybe I should go alone and break it off. I can't go on like this.

I part ways with Ron and walk towards the courtyard. Today we had planned to meet here. She was sitting there. A few people were playing Globstones. I smiled at here.

"Your friends didn't came?" she asked I shook my head.  "Why, do you want them here?" I asked. I was jealous I am here and she was asking for my friends. "It's not like that Draco, anyway I have something for you " she said and took out a tiny box from her cloak. I took it and opened. Inside the box layed a stone. But as I took the stone in my hand. It crawled to my  forefinger and  attached itself like a ring growing it's roots. It kind of looked like a ring made of tree root. But it was elegant. Just like her.  Even though she was not the proud spoiled girl anymore. Her elegance was still there which I secretly liked

"I don't have anything to give you " I say to her. She just smiles. "Having you is enough" she says. That makes me loose my cool. I pull into a kiss, but when my lips touches hers, I get a sensual feeling. And the kiss turns into sweet and gentle. We both smile at each other and talk about stuffs. Sneaking glances at each other from time to time.

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