Chapter 32

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Pansy's POV

It's been one week now. Still I haven't heard anything from him. Why do I care? If he takes responsibility or not. But Merlin I do care. Ever since he went I have been waiting for him to return. I munch my peanut-butter and ketchup sandwich thinking about punching him. Mrs Judy went out to do groceries. So now I am keeping myself company and eating breakfast. That to pretty late. I drink my watermelon juice and hear my floo network activating followed by a thud. The person must have lost balance. My heart beats faster I am guessing it's the person I have been wanting to see this whole week. Stupid heart. I don't get up and wait for him to come to me. And soon I see a blond head peaking from the doorway into the kitchen. "I have seen one Malfoy behaving like a theif, Why are you here theif? " I ask him. I don't know why I said this. It sounds so stupid I hold the urge to face palm myself. Maybe loneliness is rubbing itself in my face. Stupid pansy.
"To steal your heart" he replies. There comes an unmalfoyish cheeky super cheesy old fashioned outdated reply. I want to bang my head in the table.
He comes near me and sits in the vacant high stool. "Can I also eat? I haven't had breakfast yet." he asks and before I reply he starts applying butter on the slice. I glare at him "Why bother asking " I mutter he just shrugs.

"Pansy I told my parents about you, and also our friends. I will prove that I am actually serious for you, and when I do that will you come back to me?" he asks. We are currently sitting in the living room on the sofa. He is massaging my foot. Which feels heavenly by the way. Off course I don't admit he was the one who insisted on giving me a massage when we came here after breakfast. I look at him his eyes are sincere and his expression soft. What am I supposed to do. If this continues I will melt away. "Why are you doing this Malfoy for your heir? Suddenly you can't care for me right? " I asked him and the expression that took over his face broke my already shattered heart. His eyes showed remorse sorrow and pain. I don't know how but I am able to make out every emotion he is feeling. I gasped.

"Pansy. I know you can't believe me now. But I didn't know that you were pregnant before coming here. I came for you. You mean the most to me. And now our children do as much as you. And I will protect you at all cost. And for my mistakes I am willing to make it up for my rest of my life. I will show you my sincerity" he said and looked at me with determination. This is bad. My heart started cartwheeling. "What can I do for you my Queen? " he asked. And suddenly I felt hot. Loved. Cared. I smiled at him. Maybe there is a chance for us. Even if it's the tiniest bit. Even if it's 1%. But before that I need to come out clean.

" Do you remember you said I am slut?" I asked. He nodded with guilt. "Why were you able to point that to me? When we were friends did you ever saw me with anyone else. Did I have loads of boyfriends. Do you think I sleep with anyone" I asked. His head was downcast "The truth is something else Draco. And if you are really sincere find out what happened to me? Find out if I actually deserve that damned word? I don't know how? I was wronged. I was bullied. And I want them punished. That's your first task " I said and smiled at him. He looked confused and suddenly took out a notepad and pen then started scribbling . "What in earth are you writing?". He threw me a wink with a smirk and gave me the paper.

There is a neat cursive it was written

"Tasks to Woo my Wife"

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