Chapter 27

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Pansy's POV

His face looks ashen. But what else can I do. Is it wise for me to trust him? Knowing that he might break my heart again?  It was simple I couldn't.

"Pansy Please liste" he started to say something but I cut him off. "Draco maybe you feel obliged because of my babies now but I can't trust you again it's better if you go back" I say. He lets out a laugh. His eyes hard and his gaze makes me flinch. He is angry I have never seen him so angry. Not even when I had a fight with Astoria. I want to run and lock myself in. He is scaring me. My breath quickens and I try to calm mysel. Seeing me stressed his face softens. He sits next to me on the Sofa and gathers me up in his arms.

"Don't stress out babe, breath in then breath out" he says and rubs my back. I do as he says. I want to push him away but at the same time I crave for this comfort. And in all these months this is the first time I feel secure.

He kisses my forehead. I look at him. My mind is fuzzy. I am falling again for him despite everything. "You never moved on to begin with" I chide myself. He smiles at me. "Dear,  I might sound as an asshole but trust me it's who I am, I realized late that I love you and if you make this hard I won't hesitate to lock you up. I forgive you for running away and not telling me about my babies" he said. I looked at him shocked. He was threatening me. I can't believe this guy. I smacked him across his face. I should have done it a long time ago. I expected him to be angry but he took my hand in his and kissed my fingertips. I felt as if I am stupefied. "What the hell Draco?" I whisper shouted and tried to get away from him. But he kept holding on to me tight. "Hit me as you like Pansy, I hurt you so I will make up with you I can take everything but I can't loose you again" he said. His sincerity shook me to the core. It was a lot to take in. He pecked my cheek close to him and whispered I love you. This was the last straw my faced flushed. Cheeks tainting red. I smacked his head again. His expression remained indifferent. So I did only one thing I could think of . I pinched him. Hard.

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