Chapter 19

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Three days after Pansy's Death.

Draco's P. O. V

I can't believe that she is gone. How can I? I haven't seen her body. Why she had to be buried that way. None of her friends were allowed to attend the funeral. It wasn't fair I wanted to see her for one last time. 'Was it fair,  what you did to her? ' a small voice in my mind taunted me. Graduation is just a few months away but here I am near the lake reminiscing our time together.

"You didn't even gave me a chance to say sorry, Pansy do you hear me". I whispered into the air. There was nothing left for me. It is so different then the time I had lost Astoria. With Astoria I was alive but with Pansy I she was the air I breath. Now I am a fish without water. I feel like dying. In feel miserable but all I want is to be with her again.

Ron and Harry had tried to console me. But I avoided them. I couldn't fave them. I was ashamed but more than that I was hurting. Blaise and Hermione are still not talking to me. Not that I mind now. I take out a flower from my pocket. It's a Pansy. I had conjured it up from a pen. Beacuse it reminded me of her. My Flower. My Pansy.

I lay down on the grass still thinking about her smile. Harry had once told that we can conjure a Patronus with our happiest memories. I was never able to do that. I closed my eyes and thought how happy she looked when we were together. Her dazzling smile. Eyes sparking. Merlin I love her. I took out my wand and muttered Expecto Patronum. Whisps of magic begins to surface from the tip of my wand. And soon it takes the shape of a peacock. It circles around me for sometime and disappears. A single tear drops from my eye.

I can't believe I lost her.

When I attend the class after a week. It feels awkward. My batchmates eye me. Harry and Ron tries make me feel at ease. But what shocks me is Hermione's behaviour. She glares at me most of the time and when she doesn't she is busy with her phone. I wonder who she is texting so much, whoever it is why should I care, I had shrugged and left . It wasn't suspicious until I saw her taking with Bulstrode with hushed voices in the corridor. That made me wonder and I don't know how I was sure it has to do something with Pansy. And whatever it was I have to know it by hook or crook.

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