Chapter 16

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I felt something different. As if something bad is going to happen to me. It's a gut feeling. I have no intention of getting out of my bed. These days have been hell. Hermione is angry at me and Ron. Harry, Ginny and Daphne are dissapointed and Blaise, he is a different case, he had stopped talking with us. And now I think Ron is also feeling guilty for what we did to her. She clearly didn't deserved this. We shouldn't have gotten involved with her. Our group itself was falling apart. And I blame myself for it. If I hadn't accepted Ron's prank. At last it was my choice to make. I feel guilty and I can't help but think about what happened after Pansy felt the hall.


"Do you mean it Draco, Was it really a prank played by you and Ron? " Hermione asked tapping her foot. She was irritated. "Mione" Ron started to say something but he was cut off by her glare. "Are you Draco? " she asked. Ron shook his head and kept quiet. Blaise sighed and walked out off the hall. "Go back to eating the shows over" Ginny shouted at everyone. Which seemed to broke everyone out of the trance. Everyone began whispering among themshelves. Headmistress McGongall cleared her throat and asked everyone to eat quietly. She looked shocked and dissapointed. "We are not done here" Hermione whisper shouted at us and walked toward her table. Others too followed her leaving me with Ron.


I sigh. I have tried my best to talk with Blaise but he was giving me cold shudder. And Daphne she was a different case. When I confronted her she told me that she hated Pansy. But what I did to her she didn't deserve it. I was loosing my mind.

By the time I decided to walk out of the bed it was already past noon. I walked down the hallway. The students were giving me strange looks. I shrugged maybe they are again discussing about the great hall incident. But I stop in my tracks looking at the figure in front of me. It was Millicent and she was crying. Without saying anything she slapped me. I was at shock. " You are a basterd Draco Malfoy" she spat at me and stormed of leaving me confused. It has to do with Pansy. My stomach flipped. I need to find out what was wrong. The whispering continued but I ran from there searching for my friends. I felt uneasy. I found Harry and Blaise at the courtyard. They had a gloomy atmosphere around them.

I hesitated to speak. They don't look well. But I had to know. "Millicent slapped me, what had happened, Is Pansy alright?" I asked them. We hadn't talked I knew. But I had the right to know what was the case. Harry sighed. "Serves you right" I heard Blaise mutter. Harry looked at me dead serious. "Pansy committed suicide, She is no more" he said. I felt as if my organs have been ripped apart. I felt nauseas. My legs gave up. I crouched. I want to die, at the same time I want to cry. She can't to that. She can't. I wanted to run to her and say sorry. Asking her to take me back but I couldn't. I came to the realisation that I actually loved her. But I can't do anything. I don't want to believe it. I cried not caring about others. I knew I messed up.

She was gone, she died. The girl I love is gone and what worst part was
I killed her.

(The story hasn't ended yet, keep reading it, and I won't make it a sad ending. Pansy deserves better so trust me on this. Thank you )

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