Chapter 36

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It was a bad idea but now there is no going back. Bulstrode sat a few meters away from me at the courtyard. Her eyes wide and sad. I had asked her only one question 'Was Pansy raped? ' and her expression gave away everything. I felt as if my breath has been taken away. My Pansy was assaulted. Merlin I felt nauseous. How much she had endured and Why? How much she had gone through but still chose to love me. Still she chose to trust me. Tears streamed down Bulstrodes face. 'How do you know Malfoy?' she asked. 'It was just a hunch but now it is confirmed' I replied. I knew she was bullied but this. It's disgusting. 'Why ' I asked her. 'Because she turned Potter during the war, for that everyone keeps picking on her. Bullying her, even raping her, she was just a child just like us Draco, why she had to endure this?' she asked. I had no answer. 'Did she tell you' I asked. But she shook her head no. 'I got to know the day when she found out she was pregnant. She burst and said it infront of the proffesors and me.' she said.  I could feel tears welling up my eyes. And the anger within me. I want to kill those bastards. They dared to do this to my Pansy. Whoever they are, how many are they I don't care. I will find them out even if they hide in the farthest corner of Earth. I will hunt them down and make them pay in the most painful way. A way that they will regret having born in this world.
"Just wait Millicent those bastards will pay" I said and walked out of the courtyard. Pansy don't worry I will avenge you soon.

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