Chapter 23

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"Two matches of the semifinals!"

Okay, You've thought this through, Yuki. All you have to do is dodge and get as close to him as possible...

Yuki made eye contact with Bakugo. A sneer played along his face.

Please let this work.


Yuki shook off as much tension off his shoulders as he entered the arena.


Feeling of being stared at, Yuki glanced towards Bakugo who seemed to be analyzing him. Yuki in return eyed his shoulder that seemed to be tense.

Could use that against him.

"This match will certainly be interesting! With Bakugo's quirk being Explosion and Satori's Healing-- They're on the opposite side of the fighting spectrum!" Mic shouted.

"That may be true but regardless of not having a quirk that can be used offensively or defensively, Satori Yuki has proven himself by making it this far." Aizawa piped in.

Please don't size me up. I'm not ready for that pressure.

"I'm not going to fall for your tricks like Racoon eyes and Round face." Bakugo spoke up as he continued to glare at the frail looking boy.

"Racoo-- Oh! Mina. Well, I honestly didn't think I'd make past that round... or the last but here I am..." Yuki shrugged.

"The two are now on stage! Let's get this show started, Ready?!"

"I won't hold back." Bakugo gritted as he took his stance.

Sighing Yuki mentally braced himself, taking a stance as well, "Neither will I."


Yuki didn't wait for his opponent to enter his range, he too ran towards Bakugo to meet him halfway.

I'll use my left this time!

Bakugo thought as he pulled back on his right to use as decoy.

It doesn't matter what arm you swing first... out of the corner of his eye, Yuki noticed the small sparks on his left hand.

Your non-dominant side will always fall short.

Bakugo switched to his left hand and as he was about to blast onto Yuki's face, he felt his wrist twist inwards.

His blast met his face.


Yuki held his breath as the smoke surrounded both boys and went in for a right hook.

The blonde saw but still being shocked at what had happened didn't have enough time to react.

Landing a right hook onto Bakugo, he stumbled back.

Quickly recovering he met Yuki's eyes. A clam like expression only riled up the blonde.

"Are you playing around with me?!"

Yuki didn't reply. Only going back into his original stance ready to take on Bakugo.

"Satori seems to be waiting for Bakuko to attack first! But after the first hit being deflected back to him, Bakugo seems to be wary of the Healer!"

The audience's cheering and Mic's commentary sounded muffled to Yuki. He had to focus on Bakugo if he wanted to be able to dodge as many of his blasts as possible. Yuki took note of the way Bakugo's feet were positioned.

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