Chapter 14

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It's fucking HOT!!!

Yuki huffed. Sweat began to gather around his forehead and the half cloak and bulletproof vest filled with supplies wasn't helping.

"So they're finally scattered!" a voice shouted. Glanced over his shoulder to see a villain, licking his lips and slowly making his way over to Yuki.

"Of all places and I get sent HERE?!" Yuki shouted as more villains began to pop out of corners.

"Satori-Kun!" a voice shouted from above.

"Kami-sama?" Yuki whimpered softly.

"Satori-Kun! Over here!" all it took was a quick glance to recognize his classmate.

"OJIRO-KUN DUCK!" Yuki shouted.

Quickly reacting to Yuki's words the tail-boy ducked just in time for his head to get spared by a pipe.

Swinging his tail, Ojiro managed to throw the villian off balance.

"RUN!" Yuki quickly grabbed the tail-boy's sleeve as they ran through a building that was about ready to collapse because of the fire.



Both boys had managed to hide for the time being behind a desk in a building.

"It's really hard to breath in here." Ojiro huffed, sweat becoming more apparent on his face.

"Here wear this." Yuki quickly pulled out his face mask, built especially for situations like this. To filter out the bad and allow for more oxygen to get through... as much as it could at the moment anyway.

"What about you?" the soft blonde boy asked worried.

"I'll be fine." Yuki replied tearing a piece of his cloak and creating a makeshift mask for himself.

The two boys every now and then took a peek over the desk to make sure they were still safe.

"We can't just stay here-- what are you going?" Ojiro asked, glancing at a small device Yuki held in his hand.

"It's kind of one of those things people use to listen in on police reports nearby. Or at least anyone with a device that can send and receive messages. I'm trying to make this work, but it seems Aizawa was right about the radio-frequency quirk." Yuki frowned, putting it away.

"They have to be around here! Search for them!" a voice, terribly close by shouted.

"Ojiro-kun. We're gonna have to make a break for it. There's no guarantee that we won't be separated." Yuki fumbled as he patted his vest down looking for something.

"What are we gonna do?" the footsteps were getting closer.

Taking out a small can he handed it to Ojiro. "We're gonna look for the exit. Once one of us finds it, get to the highest place, aim this end towards the center sky and we should be able to see it even in this dark place." Yuki smirked.

"Make sure you check everything! Leave no stone unturned!" the voice was right outside the room.

"What do we do if one of us finds it first?"

"Shoot the thing and go get help. The most effective way--"

The door slammed open.

"Come out, Come out wherever you are~"

With a single nod, both boys jumped into action bringing down the villain and knocking him out before he could alert the rest of the crew.

"I'll go left, you go right. See you on the outside, Ojiro-kun." Yuki smiled holding up a fist.

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