Chapter 16

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As luck would have it, Yuki was now stuck doing absolutely nothing in order to prepare for the sports festival.

According to the rest of his classmates the other classes had come around to scout and access them. Bakugo left an impression on not only their class but on the rest of the students.

"I didn't know he could form coherent sentences without cursing." Yuki teased, only for Bakugo to throw a 'tch' his way.

After a brief conversation with Aizawa about his plans with 'training,' it was ultimately left up to Yuki to play around and get the hang of Aizawa's capture weapon.

"Since we can't exactly do much, we'll settle for this. Get as comfortable and familiar as you can with it."

"...was what he said." Yuki sighed as he now found himself tangled up in his living room.

"I swear if I don't show up to class--" just then his doorbell rang.

Yuki stopped all movement and breathing, still tangled like a kitten with yarn.

"Did I order food?" He listened carefully, waiting to see if the doorbell would ring again.

"Maybe my groceries were deliv--"

"Oi! Yuki-kun!" a female voice shouted.

Yuki blinked, "Who the fu--"

"It's Suzuki Keiko!"

Yuki paused to think... OH!

"JUST A MINUTE!" Yuki shouted as he now struggled against the capture weapon this time with a purpose.

"Knife, where's the knif--" Yuki glanced across the living room to see it laying near the tv.

"Why the fuck. Is. It. Over. HERE?!" Yuki grunted as he rolled towards it.

"Are you home?!" Suzuki asked this time, knocking loudly.

"YEAH! Let me just--" Yuki took hold of the knife before cutting the weapon freeing his legs.

Quickly getting up he ran to the front door, upper body still wrapped and somehow managed to unlock and open the door.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you again Suzuki-sensei but--" Yuki grinned bashfully. "What brings you around here?"

"Yuki-kun! It's so nic-- Um," she shifted a bit, taking in Yuki's tied up body. "Am I interrupting?"

"No! Not at all! Please come in. If you don't mind could you also help me take this off? Or cut it off?"

"And what exactly is this...?" her finger gesturing his flustered and tied up form.

Yuki realized she was getting the bad and horribly wrong impression, "This is a captured weapon I'm meant to try to learn and get used to it."

He explained calmly. "However, I found myself in this situation,"

"Oh, is this for U.A.?" She asked, carefully pulling on the material to find an endpoint, unsuccessfully.

"Yeah, I was meant to be training with my homeroom teacher but after USJ, I still have a bit of healing to do before we can officially start." Yuki sighed, shaking his arms out as the scarf began to fall off of him.

"Would you like something to drink--" Yuki turned to Suzuki as she took a look around the living room.

Sure he'd just clean it not to long ago but with is attention span going from 'I'm bored I don't want to move' to 'I don't need to fulfill my basic human needs, I need answers' it was difficult to decide when he should clean and when he should just leave it be.

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