Chapter 30

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Yuki didn't bother with saying goodbye to the idiot trio.

He didn't know if they would survive in his presence at the moment. Not after restraining himself the day before and settling with a very stern lecture. Particularly on Midoriya.

He set off for his final stop of the week which was somewhere near Uraraka's interning agency.

The doctor that would be supervising him heard about the man-child Doc, who shamelessly piled on his own work onto Yuki, and was furious.

"No Doctor or Nurse with any integrity would do that."

Yuki was thankful they were more lenient. He was after all, just a teenager.

Uraraka: Yuki-kun! Have you heard from Deku?

It took his whole being to not chuck his phone out a 5th floor window.

Yuki: Yeah, he'll live.

Uraraka: So he was hurt?!

Yuki took a deep breath. Again.

Yuki: He'll live. Iida-kun and Todoroki are fine too

Uraraka: thank goodness!

"Oh~ What's this~ Is Caladrius-san texting a girlfriend?" A nurse teased.

Yuki ignored her and proceeded to ask how Uraraka's internship was going.

"Don't ignore me Caladrius-san!"

"Nurse Arashi, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't stick your nose in my personal life." Yuki replied, snapping his phone closed.

The nurse scoffed. "I am not."

"You are. Are those for me?" Yuki asked, pointing to the file in her hands.

Sighing the nurse handed them over. "You're too serious for a 13 year--"


"Sure. Doc said after you're done with this one to call it a day."

Yuki nodded looking through the file. "Anything else?"

"Have any gossi--"

"Good day."

"You're no fun to tease." She sighed.

"Thank You."


Said boy snapped his head up to see his bubbly friend waving her arms in the air.

"Hey! Did I keep you waiting?"

Earlier Uraraka had asked Yuki to join her on an expedition to a coffee shop Gunhead swore to his life she needed to try out. And not wanting to go alone she convinced Yuki to come along. Not that he had anything else planned.

"So where is this mystical coffee land you speak of?" Yuki asked, hands in his sweaters pocket.

The sun wasn't quite yet setting so there was still time until it closed.

"He said somewhere around here... do you have maps on your phone?" Uraraka wondered looking up from the piece of paper.

Smiling Yuki pulled out his phone, "Nope. I have a flip phone."

Her shoulders fell a little. "Aw~ I'm not familiar with the streets here." She sighed.

"Do you know the name of it?"

"No. Gunhead couldn't remember since it's usually someone at the front desk who gets the coffee."

Yuki stared at Uraraka's slight frown before smiling.

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