Chapter 21

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"Aw~ Yuki-kun!" Mina whined as she clung onto him like a child.

"S-sorry Mina... you're technically stronger than me so I had to come up with a plan..." he admitted as he held her up.

"Now, we've got no time to lose! Let's move on to the sixth match!" Mic shouted.

"Good luck, Tokoyami." Yuki nodded to the quiet boy passing by the tunnel.

"Thank you."

"Offense and defense in one body! The dark samurai accompanied by Dark Shadow! From the hero course, it's Tokoyami Fumikage!"

Yuki knew Uraraka wouldn't be at the stands and Iida probably wasn't there either. The likelihood of him wanting to strangle Midoriya wasn't looking good. So instead, he headed over to the waiting room where she would probably be waiting.

"Tokoyami advances to the second round!"

"A completely overwhelming victory! Tokoyami's Dark Shadow! Could it be the greatest quirk ever?!"

Doing some quick maths....

"Looks like I'm going up against him." he sighed, making a turn in the maze of the stadium.

"How the hell am I gonna beat Dark Shadow?" he whined.

Player Waiting Room 2

Knocking softly he waited for a response.

"Come in!"

As soon as he opened the door to see Uraraka, he knew she was feeling frustrated.

"Yo!" he smiled trying to ease her worries.

"Yuki-kun... what brings you here?" her smile was forced.

Yuki shrugged, closing the door behind him, "Well I, at the moment, feel the need to stangle our fanboy of a friend. So without you or Iida standing between us, he will definitely get an arm or leg...or both twisted." Yuki sat down with a matter of fact tone in his voice.

Uraraka gave a nervous laugh.

"What's on your mind?" Yuki asked, leaning back in his seat across from her.

Her hands were nervously tightened on the table. "I think I've come up with a plan," she nodded reassuringly, mostly to herself.

"That's good. Make sure you get a good punch on his face. Doubt anyone's done that, at least with the intent to break his jaw." Yuki smugly told her.

"I don't think anyone one was willing to do it." She chuckled.

"Well you can be the first. If you do end up beating him we might get to fight each other." Yuki grinned. "Of course we could alway just fight each other any other day but--"

"Yuki-kun please stop fighting other people." Uraraka laughed. "You might get hurt, and then we'd be the ones to keep reminding you." she teased.

Her posture was a bit relaxed now, "Yeah, I guess your right." he sighed placing his hands behind his head. "What kind of healer needs someone to tell them how to be careful."

She only shook her head before the door opened to reveal their friend Iida.

"Uraraka? Yuki? What are two-- Uraraka you're brow's just wrinkled!"


"My brow? Oh, I'm just getting nervous now..." she laughed it off.

"I see, You're up against that Bakugo, after all..." Iida sympathized.

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