Chapter 1

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I can't believe I'm gonna go to U.A.

I'm not ready...

"When am I ever ready?" he whispered mostly to himself as he walked to school.

It wasn't a well kept school as they liked to advertise, in Yuki's opinion that is.

There were students who somehow managed to get away with some type of cheating and for sure the gym teacher was sleeping around with all the female teachers that crossed his path.

Yuki never liked school. He hated school. And when he was finally adopted he had asked for homeschooling only to be told that he needed a social life.

I don't like kids my age...

Yuki sighed as he saw a familiar group of boys walking towards him. "Great,"

"Hey, you quirkless shit!"

"I'm not quirkless" Yuki replied under his breath picking up his pace.

Maybe I can out run them today...

Hearing the thuds of feet coming up from behind Yuki quickly broke into a sprint.

It's only another two streets... hang in there!

Yuki thought as he ran past other students. His for some reason just wouldn't gain any muscle. Yes, indurance sure, but at the age of 15 he had the figure the girls his age would kill for. What muscle he did have was small and lean.

He guessed that's just what his body type was. Tall and lanky.

"Oi! Come back here!"

"Not today satan," he smiled upon seeing the front gate.

Slowing down into a light jog he made it and quickly walked towards his class.

He didn't want any problems today. Not today.

"Satori-kun," a girl walked up to his desk looking nervous.

"Yeah," he placed his pencil down to look around.

"They're waiting for you by the equipment shed..." Yuki frowned. They were always causing trouble but he seemed to be the only target in the school so he was fine with that.

"Right, thanks." he smiled, getting up and walking out of the classroom.

"They're doing it again?"

"I'm surprised he can still keep up with school work."

"Right. I wouldn't be able to with so many absences."

That's right. The bullies everyone is afraid of beat him. And because his stupid quirk wouldn't allow him to heal himself, they injuries had to heal naturally. Sometimes stitches would be needed. Last year he was gone for three months. And the year before that was two.

It'll be a month and two weeks with this.

"So you did come." the leader and the biggest from all sides, Watanabe spoke.

"What is it this time?" Yuki asked. He just wanted a peaceful week.

"Well? Have you finally got a quirk yet?"

"I have one already."

"I don't believe it."

"I'm not telling you to believe."

"Don't talk back!"

"That's how conversations work."

Flustered Watanabe swung his fist towards Yuki, landing a punch on his left cheek.

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