Chapter 29

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This Doctor was beginning to push his buttons.

"Sir, it's almost 7pm--"

"You'll rest when I say you rest."

Yuki could physically feel his hands wrapped around the man's throat.

Oh how Yuki wanted to strangle this petty man-child.

Earlier, after having his hour break be interrupted 10 minutes in, Yuki had accidentally eavesdropped in on a conversation between him and another doctor. It was then Yuki learned how petty the man was.

"Can you believe this kid acting like he knows everything?"

"Is he really?"

"Yeah, all because he has a stupid healing quirk."

"So he can just heal everything?"

"Yeah, from the work I've been giving him he's been able to heal everything."

"At this rate you might even get some time off." they laughed.

"Right? I've been piling on my work and anything that'll take me more than 10 minutes to deal with."

"Won't you get caught?"

"Please." The Doc scoffed.

"He's only here for two days. I'll use the 'It'll toughen him up' excuse like usual."

Yuki was definitely going to write a report on the man to Recovery Girl. Not his boss, no. Too easy. Recovery Girl. The woman who's been working years more than the Doc's boss.

If he couldn't get enough evidence for whatever he wanted to call this, he could certainly get evidence of working more than the nurses.

"Come find me after you're done here." Another folder was handed to the boy.

"Yes, sir." Yuki could feel an eye twitch coming.

His patient was a five year old with a mild fever. Nothing to worry about at that stage.

"Yuki-kun! They asked us to send you over to Hosu Gen. Hospital now!" a nurse shouted as she held the phone to her chest.

"Now?! Or Now in an hour!?" Yuki shouted back a reply.

"Now now!"

"Is Mister Yuki going to help other people now?" the child Yuki was currently overseeing asked.

Yuki looked down with a small smile. "Yes, Sadly Mister Yuki needs to go now. Do you promise to take your medicine? No matter how nasty and icky?"

The child let out a toothy smile,"Pinky Promise!"

"Pinky Promise." Yuki smiled, wrapping his pinky with the childs before heading out.

"Tell Doc he'll be hearing from his boss and Recovery Girl!" Yuki pointed to the first nurse he saw.


Yuki made a quick detour to the Staff's Medical beds where they were allowed to catch some sleep to pick up his things.

"See ya!"

Almost immediately Yuki realized just how apocalyptical the horizon was looking.

"Is Hosu that way?" he pulled out his phone and sure enough, the hospital who was asking for him was in that general direction.

"Great. Just fan-fucking-tastic, it's 1 hour and 22 minutes walking!" Yuki groaned in annoyance.

"And they want me there soon." he clicked to see if there were any forms of transportations and sure enough.

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