Chapter 47

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"This just in, another series of disappearances have been reported in the Kansai region. Ten people from ages 7 to 32 have gone missing. Police reports say neither of the missing people have any sort of connection to those of last weeks missing in Okinawa and are urging all to be more aware of their surroundings and follow the buddy system as much as possible."

"Scary..." Tenji shivered. The thought of not only adults but children, going missing without a trace was just unthinkable to him.

"Turn that off." Takumi walked into the living room, a jacket in his arms. "We have to get going. Yuki! Hurry up and grab your things!"

Tenji compiled and turned off the tv. "Taku-kun, we're going to the amusement park. Not to catch a flight." he yawned.

"The earlier the better." he replied. "Yuki! Are you ready?"

"I don't even think he's out of bed. It's only 6." Tenji smiled laying on the couch.

"There's  a 4 hour drive. And with traffic it'll take longer. Yuki--"

A small boy shuffled into the living room. Trying his best to rub the sleep out of them. "I'm rweaaady..." he yawned.

His shirt was on inside out, his shorts on the wrong way, mixed matched socks, and from the looks of it-

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Taku-kun~ Look at the poor boy." Tenji chuckled, getting up and walking over to half-asleep Yuki.

"I'll get the birthday boy ready, you can try to pack some snacks or breakfast while you wait." Tenji gently picked up Yuki, who instantly laid his head comfortable on his shoulder.

"I can do it--"

"No. I got it."

"Are you sure?"

"Takumi." Tenji turned around giving Yuki's dad a look. "I got it."

"Shin..." Yuki mumbled.

"Come on Yuki-chan, let's get you properly freshened up and dressed. We're going to the Amusement park! Remember?"


Takumi smiled softly as he watched the interactions with his partner and his son.

Yuki had gone ahead and changed back into his uniform before the exam was completely over.

His hand was beginning to bruise and a part of his mechanical glove was cracked.

He was lucky his classmates wouldn't push it if he simply said it happened during the exam.

As for Aizawa, he could probably play it off as having sprained it. Probably. So for now he's just trying to hide it with bandages and his sweater's sleeves.

Oh! Yuki-kun! There you are!" Midoriya smiled at him.

"Yo! Didn't break anything, did'ja?" Yuki smirked, shoving his hands in his sweater pockets.

"No! Not this time!" the greenette beamed up at him.

Yuki raised an eyebrow, amused at how his friend's reaction was similar to a child's. "Good to know."

"Yuki-kun!" Iida shouted, making his way over. Trying to not hit people with his hero costume.

"Hey, think you passed?" Yuki asked, grinning as his friends seemed to be uninjured.

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