Chapter 69

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A/N: hehe, nice.

Bakugo hadn't been to Yuki's room for a while. Yuki wasn't bothered, if not he was more annoyed. He'd even gone out of his way to try and talk to him in the common area but the blonde would ignore him and avoid him at every turn. Getting Bakugo's attention during school hours also seemed futile. Yuki might have to physically force the boy into a corner and apologize.

What's the point of getting mad at someone who pointed out the wrong answer?

Yuki huffed before looking into a microscope, analyzing the sample Dr. Nozawa had provided for him. The doctor's version of teaching was much more hands-on than the boy had given him credit for. If he wasn't able to get to the same conclusion as the doctor he would then be forced onto more studying of whatever he missed from the cells.

"Having trouble, Satori?" Dr. Nozawa chuckled while walking over.

Yuki looked away from the microscope and down at his notes, "I don't think so."

"You're sighing quite a lot more this week. Don't tell me you're regretting getting this much more work." the doctor jokingly asked.

"Sorry.... It's just--" Yuki racked through his head looking for the right word. "School." he decided to settle for.

"Ah, Yes. School. I quite understand that much." Dr. Nozawa sympathized. He glanced over to the clock across the room. "My! It's gotten quite late. You can go ahead and head back. Wouldn't want to face Recovery Girl's wrath now would we."

Yuki's face contorted, "But I haven't finished--"

"It's quite alright. I'll clean up your station. Just make sure you hurry back or else there won't be a next time. She's been breathing down my neck about making sure you leave at a certain time. Now hurry. Shoo. Shoo. Be on your way!"

Yuki begrudgingly moved away from his station, "Then... I'll be leaving now."

"Yes. Hurry up now!"

* * *

The poor boy didn't get back to school until the sun was just about to set. Yuki supposed the following day or the weekend would be filled in with detention. He sat at his desk, homework out and ready to be worked on but his mind kept wandering back to Bakugo.

Yuki heard the ding of the elevator echo outside his door. He froze and bit the inside of his cheek.

Was he finally coming over again?

There was a bit of shuffling before knocking. Yuki stared at the door fully anticipating them to storm in and lecturing a certain blonde about waiting for a response. When the door didn't burst open, more knocking followed. A defeated sigh left Yuki as he turned back to his homework, "Come in."

It wasn't him.

"Moshi Mosh~" it was Uraraka.

"Hey," Yuki smiled, "do you need something?"

Uraraka briefly scanned the room before focusing on Yuki, "I was just wondering if you were going to join the rest of us for dinner. I don't know what Kaminari and Sero said but apparently they had Bakugo cook dinner." she grinned with a sparkle of amusement.

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