Chapter 73

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Everyone slept in during the weekends when there was nothing to do. And Aizawa enjoyed those rare occasions when his all-nighters of grading papers paid off. He'd taken a nice long shower, was airing out his sleeping bag, finished doing laundry and even prepared food for the next two days.

He was getting ready to go to bed properly, curtain shut tight and lights out. Everything was dark and quiet and clean.

Until it wasn't quiet.

"A student is looking for you, Aizawa." a monitor lit up from across the hall, blue light seeping from underneath the door.

Said man turned away from the door and slipped on his eye-mask. It would be a problem from another day–

"Your student is asking to see you, Aizawa." the monitor repeated, "They say it's of great importance regarding the Shie Hassaikai."

A string of mumbled curses left Aizawa as he stumbled out of bed, "I'll be out in a couple minutes..." he replied irritatingly.

* * *

Bakugo was pulled out of his sleep by the growing itchiness to his face. He annoyingly groaned trying to scratch away the feeling only to feel his arm had gone numb and pins and needles were beginning to scatter from the tips of his fingers to just past his shoulder. He tried to push himself up but was being weighed down. Blinking away the sleep he lifted his head to see what the fuck was ontop of him.

The first thing he noticed were black hair stands spread across his chest and his face. The second thing he noticed were long limbs holding him down. And the third was Yuki softly snoring away. Honestly Bakugo should have known Yuki was a hugger in his sleep. He'd seen how tightly Yuki was cocooned into his blanket in the mornings.

He gave into a deep sigh, putting up with the eventual numbness of his arm and flicked aways any hair off his face with the other.

There had been a lot of crying on Yuki's part. And a lot of feeling of helplessness on Bakugo's part. There hadn't been much he could do besides hold him and listen, hoping he had somehow eased the healer's pain with the occasional tight squeezes and back rubs.

Yuki had told him the weight he carried on his back. The weight of needing to do things right for all the times he got it wrong. His drive to save lives on the scene, to pull them back from their end just enough to make it to the nearest hospital. His thoughts itching to revisit things he'd learned just 2 days ago, refreshing his memory over and over and over until it would become something he could recite. Because if he didn't know enough, he understood a life would slip from his fingers.

The case of not being enough, not knowing enough, and not understanding enough to have done something else-- to have done something more, was something Bakugo resonated with and knew about all too well.

The things that haunted Yuki in his sleep seemed to have left him once he'd finally spoken of it. Bakugo noticed the light frown Yuki had every morning wasn't there now. The corners of his eyes, tinted pink with puffiness. His usual frown was replaced with an almost serene look and a light pout. Gently moving his hair away from his face he noticed the softness and coolness of his skin. Small, light scars one could have missed at a glance littering his face.

He's liked Yuki for sometime now and had only recently realized what that feeling actually was. Even amongst his chaotic thoughts and everything else around him, Yuki was the most collected and level headed amidst everything. He now knew it was something he'd been conditioned to be and didn't have much of a say in, but it was something he could help.

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