Chapter 35

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Note: There might be a lot of skipping through out the next three chapters at most. I'm not trying to rush this, it's just I might not be able to come up with ways I can find Yuki to be within the action packed scenes like in the source material.

I'll try to make it up by adding small scenes I couldn't fit in the story line at the end of chapter in the future.

- Kind Regards,

D. Jinx


Chiyo-sensei: Yuki-kun, I've packed a separate bag for first aid for you to bring along your training camp. Make sure you don't overexert yourself and have fun!

Yuki had gotten to school  a bit early to go pick up the bag Recovery Girl so kindly prepared for him and his classmates.

"Chiyo-sensei...I think THIS is too much..." the bag was twice as big as his own belongings...

"U.A. High has finished its first semester and started summer vacation. However, those of you trying to be heroes will not receive days of rest. At this summer training camp, we'll have you aiming for even greater heights-- for 'Plus Ultra'!" Aizawa declared.

"Yes, sir!"

"Deku, it's finally time for the training camp in the woods, huh?" Uraraka smiled, getting too close to Midoriya.

"Y-yeah, that's right, Uraraka!" the poor boy turned bright pink.

"What's the matter?" Uraraka asked.

"Well, um..."

Yuki suppressed his laugh with a cough as it seemed Uraraka had finally caught on and was bright pink as well.

"I-It's time for training camp! Training camp! Training camp!" she shouted now more than 10 feet away from the freckled boy.

"What? There are people in Class A taking extra classes?" A taunting voice exclaimed.

"Does that mean you have people who failed the finals? What? Isn't that weird? Isn't that weird? Even though they're supposed to be way better than Class B? How can that BE?!"

The familiar orange haired girl chopped the back of his neck.

Monoma slumped onto the floor.

"Sorry!" she called out lifting the boy from the collared shirt and dragging him to the bus.

"Oh! It's Class B!"

"We kind of met during the sports festival, but nice to meet you, Class A." A girl with forest green spoke.

"We're getting on the bus!" Kendo announced.

"Not just the girls from Class A, but the girls from Class B will also be there! It'll be like a buffet we can pick and choose from!" the purple turd slobbered.

"Sero, pass me the strongest form of tape you can make." Yuki held out his hand.

"That's about enough out of you." Kirishima told him bluntly.

"Class A's bus is this way!" Iida shouted.

His arms were chopping in every way they could.

"Line up in seat order!"

Recalling his assignment he waited a bit to enter the bus.

"Aizawa-sensei, I have what you asked for." Yuki told him, pulling out the paper from his backpack.

He took them and nodded. "Thanks, I'll go over it on the way there."

Yuki nodded and got aboard.

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