Chapter 20

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"Hey guys are you ready?!" Present Mic enthusiastically shouts. The crowd, booming with excitement.

"A lot's happened but its' now come to this! A serious battle! You can only depend on yourself! Even if you're not a hero you'll face lots of situations like that! You get it right?! Heart, skill, body, wisdom, and knowledge! Use all of that to rush up!"

Yuki was currently disinfecting his small cuts in the nurse's office. He hadn't had the chance before and while could have earlier when he came along with Aoyama, he needed to walk off the feeling after the second game.

"I'm surprised you decided to try this hard Yuki." Recovery Girl laughed.

Yuki let out a nervous laughter. "It wasn't my complete intention to make it this far to be honest, Chiyo- sensei."

"Well," she closed the lid of the small first aid kit, "You might as well do your best while you're out there. Those Pro Heros will be working beside you in the near future. And Healers aren't usually ones to be out on the field, so you'll have to be someone they can count on not being a burden."

Yuki throws the last cotton dosed alcohol into the trash. "Yeah, I know."

A painful groan emerged from a closed of bed.

"Is his stomach ache still going?" Yuki asked, slipping on his gym sweater.

"Unfortunately. He seemed to be getting better but it seemed to go back after he ate lunch."

"Maybe something he ate?"

"I should have given him something light to eat," Recovery girl nervously smiled.

Yuki sweat-dropped at her small mistake.

"I'll be going then--"

"Make sure you're careful Yuki-kun." she warned.

Yuki reached for the door before turning to face her again.

"Don't worry. I'll try not to break anything." his smile almost reassured her but she knew better than to let the worry go.

"Match number one-- Even though he's done well, what's with that face? From the hero course, it's Midoriya Izuku!" Mic's voice echoed through the stadium.

"Don't get lost," Yuki looked to the left. "Don't get lost..." he turned to the right.

"Let's go left." Yuki nodded before stopping, "Unless..."

"Bring on the injuries! Because we've got our very own Recovery Girl and her successor waiting on standby! Put your morals and ethics aside for a moment!"

Yuki slouched and wanted, very badly, to punch his English teacher for bringing it up with MIDORIYA, of all people, to use as a reminder during his match.

"But of course, anything life-threatening is crap!" Mic quickly added. Not that it would register in his green-headed friend.

Yuki somehow managed to find Class 1-A's sitting area. "Yo! Did i miss--"

"AH! I even went through the trouble of warning him, too!" Ojiro stood in frustration.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter? It's the important first match! Liven things up!"

Everyone leaned forward from their seats. Midoriya had only taken a couple step towards his opponent and now he stood frozen in place.

Was that what happened to me?

"He's got a blank look on his face and isn't moving a muscle! Is this Shinso's Quirk?! He didn't stand out at all, but could he actually be someone amazing?"

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