Chapter 63

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Bakugo hadn't bothered Yuki after he'd asked him to stop with the questions. Mr. Watanabe wasn't coming back and even if he did Bakugo sure as hell wasn't going to be getting any answers from him. Aizawa had looked paler than usual when that lawyer first came to check on Yuki. It was all a bit weird and felt out of place for many reasons. By the end of the third day, Yuki's fever had gone down.

"Have you taken your medication?" Bakugo asked, as the two ate dinner on his coffee table.

"I have." Yuki mumbled before eating a spoonful of rice and bean sprouts.

"The others keep asking how you're doing." Bakugo told him.

Yuki hummed, still chewing. Compared to the other few times he's been 'sick,' he's actually been doing a lot better. The most he'd been sick was 11 days and now he is getting over the worst part and going straight to recovery within 3 days. He took a sip of his tea, "I should be fine by the end of the week."

Bakugo raised an eyebrow, "Should?"

Yuki nodded. "My recovery seems to be speeding up a lot more than usual. Kind of a good sign in my opinion. To have a normal amount of sick days, that is."

"Have you been sick for longer?"

"Yup." Yuki admitted without much explanation. "How are you doing?"

"With what?" Bakugo asked back.

"Cleaning. It's a big building with six floors. Is it six floors?" Yuki smiled slightly.

"I can handle it." Bakugo murmured, poking around his food. He'd continued to watch Yuki carefully as they ate for the past two days. Having nearly drowned and ran away in the dead of night was enough to have him under watch.

Yuki wouldn't say he hated it. It was just ever so slightly uncomfortable. To be stared at for long periods of time was something he would have thought he'd gotten over. Apparently not.

"It doesn't hurt to blink every now and then you know." Yuki sighed. He didn't even need to look up to see Bakugo quickly look away. "It's not like I'm going to disappear again."

Bakugo didn't comment on it.

Having finished their meals, the two sat comfortably in silence. The distant voice of their classmates as ambient sounds.

Yuki leaned back supporting himself as he purposely stretched out his legs, feet bumping against Bakugo's crossed legs. "So are you going to take the dishes down?" he asked lightly.

A small huff left the blond. "Don't get used to it. I'm only doing this as payback for patching me up."

"And your midnight video game rants."

"Shut up."

Yuki let out an airy laugh.

A person wouldn't have thought twice meeting someone in a small cafe while they were studying. They might have wondered what it was they were delving into and silently cheer them on for whatever test they could have been preparing for. But nothing else.

He'd first seen him in a coat that looked too big on him one winter day. Then he'd seen him in the written exam room and ended up being the first to finish. And then again when he noticeably walked into class for the opening ceremony. He had slapped him on their first Hero Training class for going overboard. He'd accidentally seen scars which were plenty of a story to tell. And the look on his face-- god. It was terrifying. How cold and dull they looked all the while they held pain and anger.

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