Chapter 41

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I was too stubborn to split the move-in episode into 2 chapters. It's all just filler. So here's a 2x-longer-chapter-than-usual :)


Yuki not only had to buy new clothes but now things to stock up on that were absolutely essential. The amount of pharmacies refusing to allow him to buy a large amount of medicinal creams and medication for his skin treatments was bewildering to him.

"Sir, I promise you there isn't much to do with these besides healing injuries." Yuki repeated once again.

"I'm sorry sonny! But you kids these days have found a strange way to make use of just about anything in this pharmacy."

Having had enough, Yuki returned the next day with a prescription from a trusted Hospital Executive Officer. Allowing him to take just about enough to last until winter. He wasn't sure if they would be allowed to go 'home' for the holidays to see family so when it came time to stock up again he would have to go to Recovery Girl.

He made plenty of trips to the drug stores trying to stock up on things he knew many would forget about. He was going to be prepared.

After all the things that have happened this entire school year thus far, he looked into what he should decorate his room with.

"Satori Yuki, Healing Hero: Caladrius speaking, how may I help you." Yuki answered, putting the phone on speaker as he tried to shove his blankets into the largest suitcase he could find.

"Satori, I hear you wanted to move in a day before?" It was Aizawa.

"Well not a day before. But preferably a good couple hours before the rest of the class. Maybe 5 am?" Yuki asked before flopping over the suitcase. Putting as much of his weight on it.

"I think that's doable. I'll inform the moving company. Also--"

"Close goddamnit!" Yuki struggled pulling on the zipper.

"You were saying?"

Aizawa ignored what ever the boy was doing on the other side of the phone.

"I spoke to Recovery Girl regarding your permission to move on campus."

"And?" A long zip finally made it closed.

"We got permission."

Yuki laughed in success.

"Of course he did. Make sure you tell the moving company to get to my house by 4am at the earliest and have a truck a little bigger than the one they offer to the rest."

Aizawa deadpanned on the other side of the phone. "It'll cost a bit--"

"I'll pay for it then. How big are the rooms?" Yuki frowned.

"Satori. Just how much are you packing?"

Aizawa heard a chuckle, one that usually meant he wasn't going to reply.

"Another thing  I forgot to mention. I talked it over with Recovery Girl about getting you a separate room and she agreed. We went ahead and asked Nezu for permission."

"I would say that wasn't necessary but after getting about half the packing finished I completely agree."

Yuki could practically feel the headache Aizawa was getting at his sentence.

"You'll have a bedroom like promised but we've also added a personal washroom.

"I need measurements, Aizawa-sensei." Yuki replied by pulling off his hoodies from the hangers.

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