Chapter 36

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Yuki didn't have the strength he had at the beginning of the day to carry three bags.

Two of them were obviously his but the bag Recovery Girl had so graciously packed was too heavy.

"I don't want to make 2-3 trips...." he told himself, looking down at the bags.

Yuki kneeled down in front of them and proceeded to place the bags on himself tactfully.

"By the power of Grayskull!" he grunted, pushing himself off the ground a little too hard. Almost toppling backward had it not been for someone he couldn't see stop him from falling.

"Thanks!" Yuki cried, not bothering to look who it was, running inside as quickly as he could before the short spike of adrenaline flopped.

"Move! Move! Move!" Yuki cried, running past the boys who stood to the side and let him rush past.

Running into the boys' room he let himself get crushed with the bags on the floor.

"Are you alright, Yuki?!"

A muffled 'I'm fine.' wasn't as reassuring as it was supposed to be.

"Thanks for the food!"

Yuki made sure to chew his food carefully. No matter how hungry he was, he wasn't about to die from eating dumplings.

Chatter filled the room as dinner took place. Something Yuki wasn't familiar with at all.

"Are you just going to eat that Yuki?" Ashido asked, looking at his small portions. "Well--"

"No! No! You have to eat more before it's gone!" She told him before pilling up the slices of meat.


"Call me Mina! Here, have some more." She placed a piece of meat on top of his rice.

Yuki stared at it.

"Thanks." he smiled nervously, unsure how to eat everything on his plate.

Sure he was hungry but the speed his classmates were eating at made him feel almost... too nauseous to eat.

"Oi, Raccoon eyes, are you a grandma or something?" Bakugo, who Yuki hadn't really noticed was sitting across from him, told her.

"What?! Of course not!"

"It's fine." Yuki told him. "I just might not be able to finish all this, Mina."

"Then can I have some of it?" Tsuyu asked from his left.

Yuki slid his plate to her, "Sure, pick out what you want."

"Are you sure?"


"Anyway, today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you, so eat as much as you can." the nice cougar lady informed them.


It was the time Yuki dreaded most of the entire trip. Sure he dreaded Aizawa's training. But what he hated most were wandering eyes.

He wasn't ready to take a bath.

I should that I'm the last one in and last one out.

"Satori, are you not going to take a bath?" Aizawa asked, peering into the room that was empty other than himself.

"Y-yeah! It's just...I'm not used to communal baths." Yuki told him.

It was partly true.

Aizawa's senses picked up on something.

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