Chapter 43

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Yuki heard the doorbell ring.

Tossing his crayons aside he got up off the floor and ran to the front door.

"Ask who it is first?!" His Papa shouted from the kitchen.

Reaching the door the little boy giggled. "Who is it?"

"It's your favorite person!" the man on the other side replied cheerfully.

Yuki went to open the door, "Uncle Shin! Look!" the boy smiled the widest smile he could muster, pointing to his teeth.

"Oh my! Yuki-chan lost a tooth!"

"Fell out when he tripped." Yuki's papa spoke, wiping his hands with a towel.

"So it was the ground's fault." his uncle stated more than asked.


An audible sigh of defeat left his papa. "Come in, dinner is almost ready."

"Ooooo~ Who would have guessed the great Satori Takumi could cook." His uncle teased.

"Go starve then."

"No! I was kidding!"

"Papa made Pudding Uncle Shin!" Yuki added jumping on his toes.

"Did he?!"

"Yeah! Hurry up! Hurry up!" the boy pestered him, pulling on his uncle's sleeve.

Yuki began filling out the application and making detailed notes on what he wanted his new costume to be. His past self was obviously going for something that resembled Recovery Girl's color scheme out of respect.

He still did respect her but he was planning on being out in the field standing his own ground next to his friends and fellow Pro Heros' in the future. So, an upgrade was necessary.

"H-Hatsume, what are you...?"

Yuki looked up. Saw the pink haired running her hands all over Midoriya. Looked back down and resumed his application.

"Ow...Ouch... my BaCk! AH!"


"Don't look up. Don't look up. They'll live." Yuki repeated, finally reaching the third page of the ungodly application.


Yuki took a breather and looked up. Iida was on the ceiling. Rockets on his arms. Face completely done.


No breathers.

"She is unafraid of failure, constantly thinking of new ideas and trying them out. Those who are innovators are not bound by existing ideas. Make sure you treasure your relationship with the support course. They'll be the ones helping you improve and reach new distances."

Without the support gear I have, I might as well just stay in hospitals.

"IIDA-KUN! CAn you teach me!?" Midoriya shouted.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about but wait a minute! You may not have noticed, but we haven't made progress on any of our costumes."

Page six... 'Do you accep--' Yes, Yes, Check, Check, Will it kill me? No, no, No. and No.

"Where's your costume?" Ectoplasm asked.

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