Chapter 54

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"Yuki, how old are you?"




"When's your birthday?"

"January 28,"



"Yeah, yeah." Mai waved him off. "Mine's on June 6! What are you going to get me?"

Yuki looked up from his worksheet and glanced over to Mai's worksheet.

"Nothing if you don't do your work." he bit back a chuckle.

"Meanie~" she whispered.


"What do you think about girls liking girls?" she asked one day.

Yuki continued to play in the sand. "Like friends?"

"No, like, like like."

"A couple?"


"I think it's okay. I used to know these men who have liked each other since they were in school." Yuki smiled fondly.

"Really?!" Yuki flinched at her surprise.

"Yes. they lived happily together until the very end." The girl's eyes saddened.

"I was gonna ask you to take me to them." she pouted.

Yuki held in a laugh. "They're on the other side of Japan."

"A bullet train!"

"I don't remember where they lived."

"Boo, Yuki. Boo!"


"I'm not trying to scare you!"

"Hai Hai."




"Do you think I'm pretty?"

Yuki looked up to meet her eyes. He took the time to look at her features before nodding firmly.

"Yes. Why?"

Her face erupted in a heavy blush.

"Don't say such things like that?!" she shrieked covering her face.

"But you asked me."

"I know!"

Yuki only tilted his head in confusion.


"Ne, are you sure you don't have a quirk?" Yuki asked her one day as they dug for more bugs.

"Nope! I'm quirkless. Are you sure you don't have a quirk?" she asked without looking up from the dirt.

"I'm sure. I'm almost 6 and nothing's happened."

"Good! We can be quirkless buddies for the rest of our lives!"

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