Chapter 65

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"Yuki-kun!" a series of knocks followed. "Yuki! Aizawa-sensei needs us down at the lobby in 5 minutes!"

Said boy was completely knocked out, sprawled on the floor with only a throw pillow as a blanket and book as his eye mask. Receiving no reply, the Class President decided to do the unbelievable. He opened his friend's door without consent.

"Yuki-kun, it is unacceptable to sleep in on a school day! You must hurry and get ready. Aizawa-sensei has an announcement to make this morning!" Iida walked over Yuki with purpose towards the curtains, pulling them apart to let the morning sun in.

"Iida~" Yuki groaned, muffled by the book. "You're too loud..."

"Yuki-kun!" Iida shouted again, lifting the book off the boy's face. "Get up!"

Gripping the throw pillow, the tired boy flinged it up, towards his class pres. Slamming it into his face and pushing his glass a bit too far up for his comfort.

"I'm up!" Yuki complained. Grudgingly supporting himself on the coffee table.


"I'll be down in 5 minutes. Okay, okay...."


"A newspaper?!"

I woke up for this?

"Yeah. A newspaper wants to do a feature on you all." Aizawa announced.

"Isn't that amazing, Deku?" Uraraka asked Midoriya. Yuki just happened to accidentally place himself between them.

"Y-Yeah..." Midoriya stuttered, turning a light shade of pink.


Looking over to Iida, Yuki silently and tiredly began glaring daggers at him. In his rush, he barely had enough time to pull out a sweater from his closet before running down the emergency stairs.

"It's kind of embarrassing." Kaminari commented.

"Why?" Kirishima asked.

"The sports festival was broadcast around the country, right?" Ojiro asked.

"Mina, we'll be in the paper! We've gotta look our best!" Hagakure excitedly jumped.


"You don't have to do much, though, Hagakure..."

"Don't get too excited." Aizawa intruteped.

Yuki casually began to lean on top of Uraraka, using her head like a pillow.

"The article is supposed to be about how you students are doing in the dorms you just moved into." Aizawa began to explain in more detail. "The principal thought it would be good for your parents and guardians to see you all living happily in the dorms, so he gave special permission. That's why--"

Just a little behind Yuki, he could hear Mineta begin to say inappropriate things. Aizawa's capture scarf was enough to shut him up. Though not as quickly as one would have liked.

"So you better not do anything like That." Aizawa strictly emphasized.

Yuki continued to make himself comfortable. Wrapping his arms over Uraraka's shoulders and letting his weight fall onto her. His friend didn't seem to mind as she activated her quirk and held onto him to not float away.

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