Chapter 66

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"So I was thinking," Yuki excitedly pulled a chair next to Recovery Girl, who was in the middle of doing paperwork. "Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday I do interning stuff. Wednesday, Friday's training with Aizawa and Sunday, Monday's rest."

"Did you look over the requests already?" she questioned, raising a brow in suspicion.

"Yes. All was planned, mapped, and timed." Yuki quickly replied as he held out the stack of requests he would be doing for the following weeks. "I also filled out a request form to use my scooter back at my residence as a means of transportation," he added with a small smile.

Yuki patiently waited as she began flipping through the paperwork; his sticky notes with dates written on them sat on the top corner.

Truth be told, Recovery Girl hadn't intended for him to take part in this work study. Yuki had plenty of experience and after having seen him being carried to the nurse office looking so sickly, she was worried what would happen if she should allow him to work long hours as he did during the internships.

"Aren't you doing too much?" She worryingly asked him.

Yuki's face morphed to that of confusion. "I don't think so. This is the most I could manage to sneak into my schedule." he told her. He'd tried his hardest to fit in more but scheduling wise, it just couldn't happen.

"Yuki-kun, you're just recovering from--"

"Chiyo-sensei, I'm fine. Look," Yuki tucked his hair behind his ears and placed his palm on his forehead. "My fever's gone!"

"Yuki-kun, that's not how it works." Recovery Girl scolded.

The boy only laughed. "I know. But my quirk doesn't normally let me get sick. You know this, sensei. I'll be fine." Yuki assured her.

Recovery Girl still looked unsure.

"Please~" Yuki clapped his hands together as he slightly bowed. "I know I'll be fine. I promise to eat right and sleep as much as possible--"

"You'll fall behind again--"

"I've already checked in with Aizawa-sensei and he said it was fine." Yuki looked up at her with a grin. "I just need the green light from you, too."

"He did not!" she gasped.

"He did." Yuki confirmed triumphantly.

Recovery Girl was about to turn down all paperwork when Yuki threw himself onto the floor for a deep and traditional bow. "PLEASE! CHIYO-SENSEI!"

"Satori Yuki!" she shouted, slamming the paperwork down.

"Please! I Beg of You!" he sincerely begged.

She let out a heavy sigh, "I can't with good consciousness let you--!"

"I need this, Chiyo-sensei." Yuki looked up at her.

Recovery Girl could only feel her blood boil. "Absolutely not!" she shouted. "Even if you are my successor, I won't let you push yourself this far beyond your limits any more!"

"Chiyo-sensei! Please--"

"No! And my word is final."

"Please, Chiyo-sensei." Yuki continued to beg her. "I need some time to myself."

"You have your own room in the dorms, do you not?" she snapped, neatly reorganizing the files back into their place. Refusing to even look at him.

"I need something to keep me busy--"

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