Chapter 33

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Yesterday's Chapter was a treat for getting 100k. Here's the weekly ;)

For this chapter I'll be following the manga layout.

All matches are taking place at the same time.

Also if it wasn't obvious enough already Sugarman: Sato is not in this story. Yuki is in his place for this story.


The Final exams came.

Yuki was beyond prepared. The written exam was easier than it should have been...

At least easier than what he was currently going through.

"RUN!" Yuki pulled along Kirishima, almost twisting his ankle in the process.

He made a quick turn which gave them some time to catch their breath.

"Why did it have to be Cementos?!" Yuki huffed.

"I have no idea!" his partner for the practical part of the exam huffed.

They hadn't been able to get past Cementos and going head on was not only going to tire out Kirishima but ultimately leave Yuki defenseless and useless.

So their plan was to avoid Cementos as much as possible and slowly make their way past him towards the other side of the make-shift city.

"I'm not made for this!" Yuki shouted as he threw himself away from Cemento's area of reach.

"What are we gonna do? We're just being led into a corner. We won't make it in time!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"I would have taken the robots any day! Who in their right mind thought fighting teachers was a great idea." Yuki cried out as he looked down at his watch.

"I thought they were supposed to be handycapped?!" Kirishima cried out as they began to run again.

"The compressed weights only work if you're physically moving! Cementos has been standing still the entire time!" Yuki explained.


"Only works for people who fight with fists. Not so much moving objects!"


Yuki glanced down at his watch again before letting out a growl of frustration.


"DAMMIT!" Yuki turned around and kicked the brick wall.

Kirishima only let out a whine of disappointment as he slid down the wall.

"You two did well." Cementos reassured them.

"We failed." Yuki bluntly stated.

"Well, you did well giv--"

"Cementos-sensei, no offence but that won't make us feel any better..." Yuki retorted.

The Modern Lit. teacher chuckled nervously.

As the boys headed back to the lockers to get changed, hopefully out of their utter defeat, Yuki was summoned to Recovery Girl's office.

If you see Midoriya in there...

"... I promise to not attack him." Yuki finished out loud.

Yuki cautiously opened the door and... who would have guessed.

"Yuki-kun! Perfect timing!" Recovery Girl welcomed him.

"Go ahead and heal Bakugo here. He hasn't woken up yet so I can't heal him quite yet."

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