Chapter 58

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"Even or odd?"


"Tall or short?"

"Medium. Sensei, these games are boring." Yuki pouted, dangling off the couch armrests.

Matsuda chuckled, "Are they now?"

"Yes." Yuki giggled, attempting to balance himself on his stomach.

"Are you doing well in class?" the counselor asked.

Yuki smiled widely, "I'm ahead of everyone already, Matsuda-sensei!"

"I heard." Matsuda mused. "Your teachers are rather impressed given your circumstances."

Yuki carefully slid onto the floor. "Because I was getting into fights?" he asked.

"Well yes, but also because off--"

"Sensei! Are you going to be here for the School festival?!" Yuki suddenly recalled.

Matsuda sighed, smiling, "Yes, I am. Is there something your class is doing?"

Yuki stood up and leaned onto the desk. "Yeah! I was told the class voted to do a play. I've never seen a play."

"Are you going to be in the play?" Matsuda asked.

"No. Everyone thinks I'll just start a fight." Yuki huffed.

Matsuda didn't say anything, opting to ruffle the boy's growing hair, it was enough to cover his ears.

"Your hair has grown quite a lot," he commented.

"This is the longest I've ever had it!" Yuki laughs.

* * *

"Breaking News! A body has been found only hours ago located in a Lake in the Prefecture of Hokkaido. Investigators say this could be a woman who was reported missing nearly a month ago, her name Tachibana Misaki, a woman of 23 years old, standing at around 5'5''. She was reported missing by one of her friends after she failed to return from her morning run. As of this moment no comment from Lead Investigator Detective Fujimoto."

"Our sources say this terrible incident can be linked to the reoccurring disappearance and murders as they have found a symbol, burned onto their arm."

* * *

"Are you sure you want to come along with me? You'll be walking around a lot." Matsuda asked, glancing over to Yuki who followed closely behind him.

The school festival was taking place. Yuki wasn't needed, or rather wanted, around his peers and staying home was definitely not a choice. So, he'd settle with sticking with Matsuda as he walked around campus as a supervising adult.

"It's fine." Yuki smiled, "I can handle it, Matsuda-sensei!"

The counselor returned a smile, "If you say so."

As they walked around Yuki couldn't help but look around at all the projects being hung outside on the hall and over the door ways. He saw plenty of scary mazes and cafe-like places. It was getting cooler outside as the month went by. Plenty of food stands parents volunteered for were set up just by the main entrance. He wondered...

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