Chapter 31

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Double update cause I forgot to update two days ago :)


"From the reports the staff have turned in, I'd say you've done much better than expected. You seem to handle children better than most of the nurses. They favored you far more according to the reports." Recovery girl smiled, flipping through the pages and reading from her own note she wrote down.

"Well, I worked a lot more often at children's hospitals and small family clinics." Yuki explained bashfully.

"And it worked to your favor as well, young man! Well done, well done!"

"I'm glad you approve, Sensei." Yuki's chest swelled in pride.

"I heard from Aizawa that you'd be training with him daily from now on, correct?"

Yuki nodded. "Yeah. I was told you'd be alright with it--"

"Oh I am! You need to rest after doing so much for me these few months." Recovery Girl waved him off.

"Thank you. I should probably get going, can't have Aizawa-sensei waiting on me."

"Right. Of you go then."

School had let out a couple minutes ago. He'd made sure to let Aizawa know he had to report to Recovery Girl before he could head over to training. Aizawa had given him 20 minutes to hurry up and meet him out in the field.

"Aizawa-sensei," Yuki nodded at his homeroom teacher who stood there waiting.


"It's nice to finally start actually training..." Yuki commented.

The sleep deprived man nodded in agreement. "Too many things have been happening."

"Yeah..." Yuki sighed, stretching his arms lazily. "So who else is going to train with me?"

"I'm sure you'll recognize him."

"Him?" Yuki tilted his head.

A couple seconds passed and a boy with dark bags under his eyes, messy wild purple hair, and and awkward posture stood before Yuki.

"Oh! You're Shinso!" Yuki recalled.


"This is Satori Yuki, the hero student I mentioned you'd be training with."

"Nice to properly meet you." Yuki smiled.

He'd been warry of the boy at first but it was mainly due to the fact that he'd been placed under the boy's quirk.

"Shinso Hitoshi."

"Let's get started. I'll go over your stats first then do a bit of light training to see where you're both at." Aizawa looked over the clipboard.

"Shinso, you don't really have anything going for you other than brain power. Physically, you're a clean slate. Any history of previous workouts?" Aizawa asked.

Shinso shifted awkwardly, "No, sir."

"It'll be easier that way. Satori on the other hand..."

He flipped to the next page. Yuki assumed, to his stats.

"You have a pretty good endurance, great reflex skills, flexibility, and agility. Add that with your quick thinking it's almost good enough to just focus on that."


"So on top of further improving in those areas, I'll add more training to get your physical strength up to par."

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