Chapter 40

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"Do you know what to do when you get lost? Yuki-kun?"

Yuki looked up at the man. He had a soft and welcoming look to him that just made him feel warm like hot chocolate he made.

"No." Yuki replied.

"Well for starters," the man sat next to him grabbing onto a crayon Yuki had been using.

"You try to stay in the same area."

"Stay in the area." Yuki replied, resuming his coloring.

"Yes, and wait until an adult, preferably a lady."

"Find a lady."

"Yes, and you go up to her and tell her you lost uncle."

"Lost uncle."

"That's right. You're always carrying that slip when you go outside?"

"Mercy slip?"

"Emergency slip."

Yuki nodded.

"Good. Make sure she calls Uncle and not Papa--"


"Hey! You got a kid, let me use him to get me a wife!"

"It doesn't work that way. Yuki,"

Yuki stopped coloring and looked up at his Papa who was pointing an accusing finger at his uncle.

"Don't listen to this man, if he gets lost let him rot out there."

"Uncle Shin rot."

"No! Yuki-chan~ Don't listen to stingy Takumi--"

"Papa look." Yuki held up his drawing.

The men grew silent at the drawing.

"Family" Yuki had taken the silence as not being able to tell what he drew.

"I- I know what it is..." His papa stuttered.

"Geez, this is your fault Taku-kun." Uncle Shin blushed covering his face.

Yuki's papa didn't comment.

"It's a really nice drawing Yuki. Is that for school?" he asked.

"No. For us."

In any other situation it would have been perfectly normal to draw a family picture.

But this wasn't a normal situation.

The drawing Yuki had drawn was that of both men kissing each other and Yuki stood in between.

It was a normal family in his eyes.

A family that would unfortunately not work out.

For more reasons than one.

Yuki couldn't sleep.

He'd spent the past hour or so trying to calm down after his fists almost met someone's face. During his time staring up at the ceiling he began to wonder when he'd gotten so comfortable with expressing himself to this degree. He didn't think too much about it as his body was finally getting the message it was time to sleep.

His eyelids began to grow heavy. Breathing slowing down. With the blankets draped over him he slowly began to curl up on his side. Pulling the pillow into his arms. Pulling up the blankets under his head as a makeshift pillow to use instead.

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