Chapter 59

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A/N: Not gonna lie, took a while to write this thanks to Life.


"Yuki," Takumi called out to his son.

"Yeah!" Yuki replied, rushing to his Papa's side. He reached out to hold Takumi's hand. They were always warm compared to his own.

"It's not your fault."

The boy looked up. He couldn't see his Papa's face with the blaring sun beating down on them.

"What isn't?" Yuki asked, clutching onto his hand.

Takumi didn't reply. Instead he started walking.

Yuki smiled and followed, "Where are we going, Papa?"

Takumi didn't reply. He instead asked,

"Are you scared?"

Yuki continued to walk beside him.

"Nope!" the boy smiled. "Are we going to see Uncle Shin?"

"Uncle Shin's a little busy right now." Tenji replied.

"Oh." Yuki pouted.

"Then can we go see him later?"

Tenji chuckled. "Yes, we can go see him later. But now's not the right time."

"So... later, Later?" Yuki grinned.

"Yes. Later, later." his papa confirmed.

They suddenly came to a halt.

"Yuki," Tenji spoke, a slight quiver to his voice.

"Yeah?" the boy looked up. They were under a tree's shade.

Tenji slowly knelt down, a sad smile on his face.

"You'll be alright." he whispered. Cupping Yuki's face.

Yuki frowned. "But I'm okay right now."

Tenji slowly brought the boy closer, into a hug.

"You'll be okay." he mumbled.

It'll all be alright...

* * *

Sobs echo through the dark. The only light ever coming from the cracks on the door.

"Where are we?" a woman sobs.

"I don't know." a man replies.

How long has it been?

"Is someone else there?" the man bravely calls out.

Another choked sob echos.

"You shouldn't be too loud." a child's reply echos.

There's a light gasp before coughing.

"Where are you?"

There's a sharp clank against the floor, then metal scraping.

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