Chapter 2

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When Yuki said the end of the day he meant the end of the day.

Yuki had watched as students talked about their afterschool activities. Some were in clubs, others were planning on hanging out or just going home.

Must be nice having someone to wait for you...

"Yuki, It's time for me to leave." Suzuki- sensei said almost above a whisper.

"Already? Well, I guess this is a final goodbye." Yuki smiled.

This person had been the only one to actually believe him from the staff about his troubles he'd been having for three years now... She was the mother figure in his life he'd never gotten or will probably ever have.

"Please keep in touch will you?" she asked hopefully.


"Suzukei-san, did you know that I got recommended into U.A. by the one and only Recovery Girl?" he smirked turning away from the window to see her face still processing the question.

"U.A. ... Recommended...what... WHAT?!"

Biting his lip to control his laugh he watched as her face became something he hadn't seen. A face with excitement, shock, bewilderment, and relief.

"You...Recovery Girl.... You're going to U.A.?" she stuttered as tears began to build up.

She felt relief to know that he would at least be fine. One day he would be happy with his life.

"Y-Yuki-kun," before he could react she jumped towards him with a hug. "Thank goodness. I'm so happy for you, Yuki."

Yuki stiffened at the sudden hug and wave of feelings crashing within him.

It's warm... Hugs are nice...

After Yuki allowed Suzuki to cry and say what she had in mind (granted he could only understand a few words) they said their last goodbyes for the time being and she went home.

As he walked through the now empty halls of school he glanced around noticing he didn't have a single happy memory about this place. He didn't know how long that hole on the wall in class had been there for, or if it was there before this year. He didn't know the names of the students who had been assigned to sit next to him. This wasn't the place where he had discovered himself like so many girls have said out loud in class to their friends. Socializing? Yeah right.

He had only discovered things he actually enjoyed after he had been excused for two week from school because of an injury. He only had the social skills he had because of the volunteering he had been doing for years now.

He didn't owe anything to this school.

Walking into class he noticed the Principal at the teachers Podium looking at the empty hall class.

He didn't owe anything to this school...

But he was glad someone tried for him.

"Yo, Principal" Yuki greeted casually.

"Tch, trouble some brat," the old man crossed his arms.

"Why the long face? You must be relieved I'll be out of your way!" Yuki teased packing up his stuff that managed to be untouched.

Thank god for Japan

"You have been difficult to deal with," the Principal acknowledged. "But you were one of the top students regardless."

"What? Are you gonna hate to see the school's score drop?" Yuki scoffed, slinging his school bag over his shoulder.

"That's not it," Yuki sighed walking to the back of the class. "You're a smart child. Given your circumstances and history-"

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